I am looking for a test vehicle so I can expand the store. I need someone who has access to a stock 95+ hood and trunk. And I need someone who has access to a stock 03+ hood and trunk. You don't need to be local. I just need to get some templates made. Very easy to do. So if anybody is interested please e-mail me at titus2669@gmail.com
The test vehicles will of course recieve a free product once it is made.
I forgot to note. I need a person who is able to do the work in the next week. It will probably only take 1 hour mabye less. Nothing major I just need some templates. Thanks
What would the free product be?
2010 Ford Explorer
2006 Ford Ranger
2004 Chevy Cavalier
The free product would be the product. E-mai me for more info.
BTW if the sunfire guys are interested also please e-mai me.
I have 2 trunks and a hood. But since I have conversions your products wouldnt fit. What else you got?
hey titus. how about a fire hood with eyelids? ill shoot you an email.
I got stock 03 cavi hood in perfect condition.... what do you want me to do with it?
I have replied to all e-mails that have been sent to me. Darkstar I have e-mailed you.
Dave (2 UNIQ) wrote:^always trying to get something for nothing.. sheesh!
Not really, I was just wondering what it would be. Email will be sent.
2010 Ford Explorer
2006 Ford Ranger
2004 Chevy Cavalier
OK well the cars below have been selected. So please don't e-mail me if u have the same car. I will post again if someone backs out. Thanks
95+ Cavalier
95+ Sunfire
03+ Cavalier (Pending to Darkstar, check your e-mail)
Still need
03+ Sunfire
Hey Titus. I'm willing to help you out. Just let me know when I need to come up there. I sent you an e-mail about 5 minutes after you posted , but haven't gotten a response from you yet. Let me know whats up.
If you want to give some the 2nd gen owners another option for product, I have a Phase 1 Cavi hood to template off of...
Yo cracker, lol. I replied. Check your e-mails again.
Kardain please e-mail me.
would you do anything for the n-bodies???
i would like some carbon fiber interior pieces made
can i haz bondo
Yes I guess the n-bodies can get in on this. Please e-mail me.
Hey Titus, I think your e-mail went directly into my spam mail folder for some reason
, and I may have emptied it without looking in there first cuz I wasn't aware
Hey I got an 05 Sunfire, let me know what you need. I sent you a PM
Words that you can't use in modding: Finished, Perfect, Cheap.