I just got my Type 2B body kit installed yesterday and now am looking to add the mesh to the front bumpter and the side and rear slots.
Anyone have any tips or hints in making this easier, what bonding equipment to use, etc? Should it be screwed on, or glued or what?
I've got a couple lines of APC sport grille mesh and will cut the 2nd to fill the smaller spots.
...welcome to Crazy World...
Zip ties are your friend

I drilled small holes in mine and used black zip ties.
My momma told me I was cool = )
zip ties, screws, liquid nails. whatever your prefer
I got little metal hooks that can bent back and forth....just glue them on the underside of the kit, out of view, put the mesh onto the hook and bend it back.
02 Subaru Impreza WRX Wagon
I used the fiberglass gel stuff.
Even pure genius is born out of insanity.
just curious as to how u use the zip ties to make this work...?