Does anybody have ghost flames on their cavalier? If so, pics would be awesome.
Also, I have a 2002 Blue 2door cavalier. I was considering about getting ghost flames or haveing the flames done in about 2 shades lighter or darker than the color of my car with a peal coating over the edge of the flames ... how do you think that will look?
Thanks in advance,
My momma told me I was cool = )
Ask 2nr there is no such things as ghosts. So your flames do not exist they are only in your imagination.
Kidding of corse!!! THEY look great!!! I bet they cost a ton to do didn't they?
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Definitely looks good. I am looking to eventually get Ghost Racing Stripes put on my Black Cavy after I get my body kit and all the other mods done.

Tommet wrote:Definitely looks good. I am looking to eventually get Ghost Racing Stripes put on my Black Cavy after I get my body kit and all the other mods done.
that would be cool as hell!!
My momma told me I was cool = )
Fatalic CAVI: those flames look cool. I really like them, about how much was the total cost, if you dont mind me asking.
My momma told me I was cool = )
Here are mine. They are cameleon.
Well mine are free (cousin owns a body shop)

thanks for the comments, they are not true ghost flames though, they do dissapear and re-appear depending on the angle thos pics were actually the first ones I have ever been able to take for them to show lol. True ghost flames are done only with pear. So you might want to do what I did which was make a custom color, i have 2 different pearls and 3 diff candies in that paint.
oopps sorry but typically depending on how much you get done it can run any where from $2000 - infinite depending on what you want, you can always get it done for less if you got a hook up or get someone to do it on the side
I can do ghost flames lol
there you go hit her up I saw pics of the chamelon car she did and it looks great, Prolly cheaper then a body shop
Fatalic CAVI wrote:there you go hit her up I saw pics of the chamelon car she did and it looks great, Prolly cheaper then a body shop
I did both the chamelion Sunfires

I'll more pics of work up when they're done as they come in
but i was the first! hehe...she does good work. i recommend her
just on a side note, my cousin did ghost flames on his white grand am, I f you got a white car just use pearl with a slight blue candie and its tits
i was thinking about doing this same thing to my 4 door
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