Anyone have a tutorial on how to create halo's for a 02 cavalier, projectors? does anyone around here make them? How much, any pics?
IZN -- hope you don't mind pointing someone towards your tutorial...
Anyway, jwagg,
here is a tutorial on custom Angel Eyes.
2 folks that I know of are custom fabbing projectors,
IZN_Trbl and
White Boy. IZN has pics of single projector setups, White Boy is currently prototyping up dual projectors and is in prototype stage -- no word as of yet if White Boy is going to market these at all.
i dont mind at all.
jwagg, if you would like to purchase some rather than making your own, you can get them from me.
click here to view. scroll down to the bottom. these are not "home made" like the (DIY) that i have provided. good luck and let me know if you have any questions.
Hey IZN.. what are the odd's of finding or fabricating angel eye projectors for a 2k cavalier? i've been searching day in and out for someone to fabricate them cuz i am not all that great with the electrical aspect of my car lol...
linky no worky
this useless post brought to you by the alcoholic known as LUNDiS
hey how much to do the actual rings with leds in blue?.. ill take the headlight apart n do all the wiring ect.. can i take apart my stock headlight and paint the housing black?.. let me know thanx

the link works for me???
well, you can go
here and scroll to the bottom. you can click on "individual pricing" and see what is what. if you would like to make your own,
please click me. the angle eyes i sell are not "home made". i purchase them to make my projector headlights.
i can send you 1 set of the eyes for 30.00, any color you want...if i can find it. as far as i am concerned, yes you can take your light apart and mount these. are your lenses clear? if not, then these may appear to look just like "city lights" rather than the angle eye affect.
as for the '00 cavies, i have not been able to work on any due to the fact that i am unable to obtain a set of lights.
shoot me an email if you guys have any other questions that i may help you out with.
you would probably take the lens off like so...

put clear silicone around the rear outer edge back of the angle eyes like so...

and then mount them on the headlight making sure that the bulb is perfectly centered in the middle of the angle eyes.
then remount the lens with silicone like so...

thats how i would do it anyway if i wasn't going use a projector set up. i wish you luck and have fun.
i would silicone them to the housing. but that is my opinion. i have never mounted angle eyes without the projectors, so you may have to play it by ear. if it doesnt seem like it is going to work, then mount them on the lens. but i would try to mount them on the housing first. when mounting eyes, i always mount them on the projectors. good luck man.
hm.. i have stock headlights.. what do u mean are they clear?.. eithe way my headlights look old.. i have a 96.. wut if i put them in the oven and buff them n crap inside out think the would look new?--neweR?
i was wondering if the 2000 lens was clear like the 03's are. (no grooves in the lens)
00-02 are clear... 95-99 are fluted
lmao flooted haha what a word anyway.. wouldn't the process be the same for on 2k cavy headlight as a 96?
i guess so. i just think it would work if you wanted angle eyes and not projectors.