Specifically a 1997 LS front bumper (not LS Sport), a 95-99 Z24 front bumper, and an 03-05 LS Sport Rear bumper. All Cavalier bumpers by the way. Thanks a ton in advance for any info.
I thought it was called "ABS" plastic, i could be wrong though.
That was my assumption also, but I also heard someone mention TPO. Can anyone confirm that it is ABS? Thanks.
the last i knew it was abs as well....
some yr`s were tpo i know from 00 and up they are teo
TEO, TPO is the same plastic both are a offlien plastic and do need to use a adheshion promotor for any type of plastic material to stick to it
can i haz bondo
How would I find out for sure? E-mail GM or ask a dealer? Maybe it will say something about it on the back side of the bumper?
yes it does there
look inside the bumper it will tell ya, but i am pretty sure that the bumper is either, teo or tpo
can i haz bondo
not to boost the thread... but going along the lines of this....
i am toying with the idea of modding an 01 sunfire front and rear bumper, what should i use to do this? what i plan on doing is shaving those little humps that run across the middle of both bumpers so that its smooth.
thanks for the help!!
^^^^^Contact a FUSOR salesman. I went to their website (lordfusor.com or something like that). They'll tell you everything you need to know, except what type of plastic your bumper is

. He'll probably tell you to go with FUSOR 100EZ for ABS, and I think he told me FUSOR 127 for TEO/TPO. Thanks for everyone's help!
dude dude, fusor sucks!!!
go with 3m material it`s a better product trust me i have had so many problems with fusor 3m is the way to go
can i haz bondo
So use what, Panel Bond? Or do they make something specifically for ABS/TPO/TEO to bond to metal? Thanks.