I was wondering if anyone has converted their 95-99 Cavalier to the newer, one piece headlight 03-04 style. Is it as easy as getting the fenders, hood, bumpercover and headlights or is there more to it. If anyone knows, please help a Mexican....
thats sound like its about all you will need, except an 03 healight harness cuz 95-99s have seperate hi/low beams, and the 03s have one bulb. you might need the crush guard behind the bumper cover also, not sure though.

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Would installing the harness be a pain or is it as easy as splicing and using some brains? And the crush guard is that like the styrofoam on the bumer that's between the bumper and bumper cover? Sorry, Im new in the Cavi world and just learning. Thanks for the info...
As far as what I have heard the fenders are the same from 95-05 its just the bumpers and such that need changed but don't quote me on that
Cool, thanks for the help. Do you know of anyone who's done it?? I wouldn't mind seeing a pic of it. I hope that the bumpers won't be a problem. Do you think that the lights would be a problem or the splicing and connecting would be pretty straight up. Im not a fool, but @!#$ happens, ya know. Anything would help.
Damn, I just asked the same question twice. sorry. LOL. Anywho, again thanks.
right now thiers a cavalier on Ebay that is a 96 convert and they put a 03 style front end and rear end.
working on sig.... just wait
ebay, check. i'll look it up. thanks
all you need is the bumper, hood, headlights, and harness. fenders are the same. you'll just need to cut the bracket that holds your corner lenses off. as for the harness, search! there's instructions for it somewhere here on JBO. It would be the same as going from 95-99 style to 00-02 style.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
are you sure about the fender's being the same?? To me they look different, but you seem to have done much to your cavi so I'll take your word for it. thanks for the advice. I'll look around jbo for more info.. Oh yeah, the radiator support, the upper one that goes across the front would need to be changed too wouldn't it? To support the different light bracket??
BoltZ22 wrote:all you need is the bumper, hood, headlights, and harness. fenders are the same. you'll just need to cut the bracket that holds your corner lenses off. as for the harness, search! there's instructions for it somewhere here on JBO. It would be the same as going from 95-99 style to 00-02 style.
he is correct. they are the exact same other than having to cut the bracket off. im looking to swap my 03 front end if interested.
Fred Ohlson wrote:The people that devised this cruel attempt at acceptance and fame burn in there honda civics.
<A HREF="http://www.cardomain.com/id/eazy716"><IMG SRC="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/eazy716/personal_pic.gif" BORDER="0"></A>
Eazy, you want to swap your 03 front end for an older front end?? If I read that right than I am interested. Let me know what it is you want or need. If I read it wrong than I am a jackass. Anywho, yeah, the fenders are the same, I just looked at some pics really closely and noticed that the 03 and up bumper cover just goes up a little higher on the fender. thanks