question.....1) are they easy to take care of, i.e. washing, waxing and stuff.....
2) can you keep them on all year round, my car is a daily driver and i live in the northeast so would snow and cold weather and rain and stuff bother it at all....
and is there anything else i need to know about them...
thanks in advance....
make that two people asking this question...i was going to make a similiar post hehe
should be fine, just like any hood. i had my extractor on during winter and it was fine
I think there is some sort of a clear coat-type finish on most CFs that I've seen, does that come on all CF hoods, anyone have more info on this?
they usually come w/ a clear coat on them. my splitter i got from vis is cleared too
not all hoods come with clear coat on them. Most just have a gel coating on them, from production. I stripped all my gel coat on mine and am clear coating it very soon. Real clear coat will give it a much better shine than any gel coat and will also help it from fading at all. As for being year round, my friend had his here in snowy michigan and it warped on him when spring came around. I would personally never keep my cf hood on during the winter, thats if i even got to drive my car in the winter