Can anyone tell me the name of a good scratch remover? I didn't notice until a week after i got my car that i should have looked at the finish closer because the word b!tch is scratched into the paint. I don't think anyone can see it unless they get real close but since its*my car* i notice it all the time and it realy bugs me.
((I don't have a lead-foot, But i wear steel-toes.))
Use a decent medium compound like 3m and a rotory buffer,if its not through the paint they should come out or atleast alot of it.If you dont have a buffer use a terry cloth and rub the crap out of the spot till you see them go away.
redcavi 04
And after you compound go back and get some wax on the spot you wotked on.
redcavi 04
I hope so because it is slightly through the paint in some spots. I would hate to have to take the car and get it painted just for that, because the rest of the car is fine. There must be something i can do.
((I don't have a lead-foot, But i wear steel-toes.))