I'm getting a muffler tomorrow and my biggest worry is that I'll end up sounding like a fart can. I'm trying to get the smallest tip as i can. I'm trying to pick between the following.
The MT602 has a removable silencer, so i have some control, but it has that bronze look to it. ($84.00)
The MT620 looks much nicer but doesn't have the removable silencer. ($92.40)
If anyone has heard one or the other, give me some input on sound.
Thank you.
I found another one...
Please help. I have to order it today.
Yep, I prefer the MT602. However, it's your choice. It gets a little bit louder when you remove the silencer
TAX ID: 45-8013458577-3
I think i have the MT610 there and its not to loud.. Which if you dont want it sounding like a fart can i guess thats a good thing.
POLYFIBER kits $375 (BMX, BC2, Blitz, Drift, KMAX) *
[quote=E|_iTe-Z] and my biggest worry is that I'll end up sounding like a fart can
Thats going to end up happening anyway. Thats what the are, Fart Cans. Pick one then add in a resonator to your exhaust.
Fortunately, when I first did some exhaust work to my car, it didn't sound like a bea's nest
I guess I lucked out.
TAX ID: 45-8013458577-3
i have an obx muffler that i had made into a cat back and it sounds good. its not raspy at all in high rpms