I have an '03 cavlalier base coupe and was wondering if there is a way to remove the orange turn signal lens from the headlight assembly? i haven't really checked it out except when replacing bulbs. Am I going to need a couple of tubes of super glue to put it back together or can i take it apart without trouble. thanks
heres a visual:
This has been posted many of times
Search for 03 clear headlight
03 clear
and so on
I did it to mine, you might be able to tell in my sig pic
04 Cavy LS Sport
04 Cavy LS Sport
bottom line, yes it can be done, search for the methods others used, the basics are stick headlight in an oven or useing a heatgun/hair dryer heat your head lamps up until the glue gets soft enough you can peel the glass away from the back of the housing remove said plastic peice, fill the holes with some putty get a big tube if clear silicone and reseal the headlights otherwise you'll get moisture in your lights, i tried to clear my turn signals on a 98 and my right one has alot of moisture/fog issues in humid or wet weather sucks and looks tacky but cheap to fix