I think I have a minor problem.... I did a post a couple weeks ago stating that my passenger side foglight had to be changed three times in less than 6 months... b/bc it'll die...... I putted a new one in on 4/7/05, less than a month age, than yesterday it went out on me again!!!!!!!!!!! Then when I got back home, I got out of my car and said to myself that it can't be the bulb burning out this fast b/c I installed it correctly..........anyways I tapped on the surface of the foglight housing and magically the foglight came back on.............what could this be????? Is it a loose wire, connection, or something???? I don't believe that the bulb is loose b/c I plugged it into the harness until it clicked in to the very end, you know what I mean???? Thanxs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
probably thet connector is melted or something so its messin up the connection
Where's the connector.....is it the thing that slides into the foglight when you reinstall it???
look inside the bulb. what happens is when the bulb dies, it sometimes (and most of the time thats happened to me) it cuts right in the middle of the filament. since the filament is wound as a spring, sometimes if you hit it hard enough, luck will have it that the filament broken ends will cross paths and stick to each other, creating a connection on your filament. i've done it before, but eventually it will break again
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
But, it can't be the bulb b/c I've JUST putted a new one in a couple weeks ago, and I've changed 2 other ones in less than 5-6months.....and it happened again tonite.....but then I tapped it again and it came back on...........I will check on the bulb sometime this week because of the rain here.......... if it is the bulb, I am one unluck sucker!!!!!!!!