hey i just shaved my emblems off using blowdryer, fishline, and wd-40 but there is this brown residue that no matter how hard you scrub it wont come off help!!! i dont want to wax it and have permanent brown stains on my car
go to walmart and buy some goo gone... it works wonders....
74 in a 45?? are you sure officer?? I really didn't think my car would even go that fast!!
I was wondering what emblems you shaved off and how it turned out?
what car do you have, how old is it, what color is it? those kinda things would be helpful to know. also, has the car been repainted ever?
its a 98 2door i guess its aqua never ben repainted give me a little while ill try to get pics
posted pics in profile help would be appreciated
its been on there too long, your gonna have to sand it off and repaint. I have a 95 and the glue seriously turns into practically cement after that long.
Just STFU about the spoiler already......lol
Brandon Kidwell wrote:its been on there too long, your gonna have to sand it off and repaint. I have a 95 and the glue seriously turns into practically cement after that long.
You couldn't heat it up again, to soften it up afterwards? (I haven't tried it, so that is good to know before I do!)
While we are on the subject, can you do that process to shave off the chevy signon the front of your hood? My car is a 2000 if that makes any difference.
i did put it left that shading there so its up to you you dont notice it till you get close