I was wanting to put a set of projectors into my 02 cavy headlights but I was really unsure as to where to find the projectors. I tried to search on ebay and just came up with a million lights for all kinds of other cars. I tried to search here but all i came up with is people who are using other cars headlights and ripping them out... is that what you have to do to get projectors? Thanks for the input.
Yep, YOu got it. the best way to do it is by taking them out of another car. Im sure people know which car would work the best. I would try the integra projectors.
"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me
I used the above mentioned projectors when making lowfires projectors vor his sunfire, very nice units, just make and adzapter harness so u can run the H9 bulb that come in them and your tits. Its no big deal, they are VERY nice units i would highly suggest thenm over any others, except of course HID's
Dreams do come true....
<img src = "http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/96sunfireconvt/ModdedFireBlue.jpg">