how do you take off those little black things that connect the fenders and the tirewall together..... with out breaking them and if you do breal them can you buy more and where
Either cut them or just push the panels apart until it pops...
Yea they are special order from a dealer over seas, they are expensive.
are you sure or are you guys just $#@%ing around.... were do i buy them
they are messin with you....
you can get them at any junk yard
I'm tellin' Uncle Ben!! You stole his RICE!!
"premiere cavalier" coming soon to a street near you!!
junk yard i need new ones there not the tire wall that i need i need the little black things cant you buy them at a checkers or autozone
yes you can buy them at parts stores.
ya u can buy push things like that anywhere i just cut all mine
I got some at LOWES hardware. Try there if you have one. Are they nationwide??
In my craftsman set i got a little wire stripper, little pliers and some other @!#$....well along with them i got this little tool that quiet frankly i don't know what it is for. But it works very good at taking them out without even damaging them.
<img src="">
those are little pushclips. they are also used for your plastic radiator cover. autozone had them, about 3 bucks for a big azz box.
this useless post brought to you by the alcoholic known as LUNDiS