I'm tryin to put in the clear corners i ordered but don't want to break anything...If anyone has any directions or a link to a site that can help me figure out the best way to get to my lights without breaking anything. I'm afraid i'll break the snaps holding in some of the peices because im not sure how they come out. Any info would be greatly appreciated
Their should be a hole in the support right above ur turns. Use a screw driver and gently push to the middle of the car and pull on out on the turn at the same time should come right out!
taking your girlfriend out $20, Shopping at Meijers $ ?? dollers,
watching Milf's Ass and getting punch in the jaw ... Priceless...
Thanks...they went in fine and they look great. If you happen to know the law's for michigan...i was wondering if i had to have the orange bulb in or if i could put in the stock clear....either way...no biggy...thanks a lot.
i would drive with amber ones. just to be safe. no need rocking blue or something gay looking.

Portage, MI
i just put ambers in mine, no reason to ask to get pulled over
plus they look fine.
dan, sylvania makes a corner light that just might be up ur alley. i have them on my car, and they are blue/chrome looking when they are off, and are a nice amber when they are on. i think they are the silverstar line..but they look very nice....i can take some pics if you would like..
this is my sig