I have a question thats bugging the hell outta me about paint (i am repainting my whole car come spring) I have a "sucion" gun (the paint reservoir is on the bottom).
but im afraid about getting moisture trapped in the paint, does a moisture trap/water trap exist for the big compressor (pretty mush like an airbrush) and guns? If yes, would it keeps me from getting moisture on/in the paint ?
The gun you have is called a syphon feed. I'd highly recommend getting a gravity feed personally... but if that's not in your budget for now that'll have to do
As long as the seals on your gun are fine you shouldln't have to worry about moisture getting into the gun (unless you're painting under a sprinkler j/k)
Air compressors usually have (depending on the variety) something to filter out moisture. If it doesn't, I'd place a call to the manufacturer and see if they have anything for your particular model. With air compressors, moisture can get into the lines, which is why a lot of the ones you'll see in body shops and such have "dryers" and areas where it traps moisture... you just have to empty them every once in a while.
not in my budget to get a paint gun
and i didnt think about emptying the compressor!
They have water traps both for the compressor and that attach to the gun. I run two, one on the compressor line and one right on my gun. The water trap should be located at least 25' of line from the compressor and have drops in the line. If you can find the sharpe spray guns website they have a diagram on there of an airline/moisture trap setup.
Autobody/ paint
Ohh yeah, you also should paint on a day when the humidity isn't real high and drain the compressor before painting like fallen angel said. I prefer the syphon feed myself, it all what you prefer, the gravity feed is a little awkward at first because the paint is on top of the gun, but you can spray every last bit of paint with them. The syphon feed will have a little paint in the bottom of the gun that the tube won't pick up and spray. The gun will start spitting before the cup is totally empty.
Autobody/ paint
so checking often is theres still enough paint in the "can" would be recomanded
also where does those wter traps are sold ? and how much are they (canadian)
The siphon gun won't spray the paint till its completely gone in the cup. There will be small amount of paint in the bottom of the cup that it won't spray, because they can't have the siphon tube on the gun so long that it touches the bottom of the cup. Still fine, when you start running out of paint, you'll know when your spraying, put more paint in the cup. A lot of places should have a moisture trap. Sears in the united states, I don't know about Canada. Try a larger hardware type store or one that carrys tools. I think my larger one was somewhere around $40 u.s, can't remember.
Autobody/ paint