bumper modifications? - Exterior Forum
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i got a 02 z24 front, and i have this idea. it goes like this. i want to mold the z24 lip to the bumper, the peice that clips on you know, and i want to cut out the grill type thing in the holes. if you kow what i mean. otherwise ill post a pic to give you a better idea. i was wondering if you had any suggestions on what to use to moild it together and fill anyholes from cutting out the grill thing.
<img src=http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/slowgreenfire/personal_pic.jpg>
it's not ghetto, it's "in progress"
pick up fusor 147, they make all kinds of stuff to mold. that will be your best bet
like this
and where do i get this fusor stuff
<img src=http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/slowgreenfire/personal_pic.jpg>
it's not ghetto, it's "in progress"
pep boys or any auto store.
can i put that fusoir stuff on top of the paint?
<img src=http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/slowgreenfire/personal_pic.jpg>
it's not ghetto, it's "in progress"
i dunno i never used it. i doubt it. talk to z2flip4. hes really good with molding and body work he can help
well i searched a bunch of places, checker, bumper to bumper, and a hardware stor. um would they have it at a napa? there arent any autozones or pepboys around here.
<img src=http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/slowgreenfire/personal_pic.jpg>
it's not ghetto, it's "in progress"
Green. If you want to do this mod it will take lot of time and effort. I'm at work right now if you will e-mail me I will give you information on this procedure. I get off at 3:30. I will futhure explain. themanmiller@msn.com
BaggedCav98 wrote:pick up fusor 147, they make all kinds of stuff to mold. that will be your best bet
I think you are talking about the SEM Urethane kit.
Its really not all that complicated to use, mixes like bondo.
well i cut it uot and i got some stuff to fill it. ill see how it goes. ill email you later rj
<img src=http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/slowgreenfire/personal_pic.jpg>
it's not ghetto, it's "in progress"
so you are saying that you want it to look a bit like this??....
-- MyZcar
nice, sorta, im jsut gonna try to do a few dif things top this stock before i get a kit eventually.
<img src=http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/slowgreenfire/personal_pic.jpg>
it's not ghetto, it's "in progress"
^ dude that is a picture of exactly what you said you want to do. thats a stock bumper with the lip molded in and the center piece cut out.
well i may leave the lips holes open, or cut the main ones bigger, etc. but yeah, thats the jist of it. my holes on the side look diff tho. but yeah. ill post pics of what ive done so far tommorow.
<img src=http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/slowgreenfire/personal_pic.jpg>
it's not ghetto, it's "in progress"
ok fusor sucks!!!
use duramix or 3m much better products
and use the right plastic material by those companies to mold anything in
plastic welding also works good if ya know what your doin with it
never use bondo or f/b on plastic it will not last and does not stick
can i haz bondo
so far jsut to fil the holes im using some SEM bumper stuff i got at the body shop, thats what they told me would work best for filling the holes. ill see what they tell me about molding the lip soon
<img src=http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/slowgreenfire/personal_pic.jpg>
it's not ghetto, it's "in progress"
thats a pretty cool idea

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
heres what i got for now
about 1/3 done.
<img src=http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/slowgreenfire/personal_pic.jpg>
it's not ghetto, it's "in progress"
I just picked up some Urethane Caulk stuff from a boat store today. It bonds to urethane and plastic, it's able to flex, and can be sanded and painted. Im molding the ls sport rear lip on to my bumper and im going to start sanding when it gets hard, I will let you know how it turns out.
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