So as the topic says, I'm fresh meat when it comes to HPT. I've got the stock flash all saved and safe, now its time for some light tuning. 2000 LD9 built and boosted (turbo). With the tunes that are in HPT's repository, should I copy one of the s/c reflashes onto my ECU and then just adjust the injector constant to work with my new injectors (80lb) and hook up the 2-bar MAP? Then tweek from there, or is there something better to do all together? Any help is of course appreciated.
Also, I know its 2 credits for my LD9, but is it also another 2 credits on top of that to use someone elses tune as a base (such as the s/c reflash)?

12.6 @ 114.6 MPH
Im not being a jerk about this, but READ READ READ.... lots of topics on it, and I for one wouldnt have turbo'd the car without having a reliable tuner or an idea how to tune. Thats just me. I have a lot invested in it and dont want to watch it go POP.... Do a lot of reading for sure. Plenty to learn and get figured out before you start tuning.
Ya the new HP Tuners thread will tell you most of what you need to know... just gonna throw this out there, do you have a wideband?
Yes I have a wideband. This is my 3rd N/A to turbo setup (2nd one on LD9). I'm just new to HTP, that's all. I did read the thread but it mentions nothing about what I asked really.....

12.6 @ 114.6 MPH
I would stay away from the repository of tunes... my opinion, mod you injector constant, and you will have to ask around about the 2 bar as I run a 1 bar. Doing the injector constant will get the car to idle
First yes use a GM reflash. just make sure it is a real GM reflash. This will be the best for your setup.
Second you will use 2 credits for your ECU/tune, and then 2 more credits to license the GM reflash (unless you already have it licensed on your HPT).
Third adjust the GM reflash constant for your injectors. Make sure to adjust it from what it is in the GM reflash.
Just so no one gets confused. In this post when I have said GM reflash I have been referring to the LD9 GM reflash.
FU Tuning
Thanks John. Its nice to get an actual answer.

12.6 @ 114.6 MPH