with hp tuners not allowing us 3 bar capabilities without losing resolution or faking the values, and the inability to control fuel/timing after 7000rpm has lead myself and others in the search for an ems that allows these controls and more
what have others gone with other then spectre?
i was beginning to look into big stuff 3, haltech sport 1000
i know some have gone with a tec 3 (gary the old guy), some have used motec (mike karas) but no one has really shared the information to install and was curious with how hard these are to install/create a base tune and then work with our sensors and such
im asking for anyone that has gone other then hpt to chime and and elaborate on their experience with the setup they had, likes and dislikes
Megasquirt has a 2.5 BAR map sensor installed internally. It can also run a GM 3 BAR sensor if you choose to set it up that way..... or you could run both using one for atmospheric correction. Granted, I don't know how well it runs on boost because I don't have any, so I can't be of much help there.
Megasquirt tuning is a bit more crude than using HPT. Might take a bit to get used to.
If I was to do it again I'd run the new Tec GT with WenTec 4 software (they are working on back engineering this software to run on the older Tec3 and 3r).
As far as wiring goes,it all depends on how far you want to go. In Kansas we have no annual emissions so we can pretty much get away with anything as far as OBD2 elimination. I'm not using the factory dash,so no worries about keeping factory gauges working.
Wiring was really not that hard. I took all the time I needed to get comfortable with what I was going to do before I started. Time line start to finish was about 6mos. with real life and trying to run a business.
Using a REAL GM shop Manual,Chiltons,and the Install guide for the Tec wiring harnesses I poured over the diagrams for hours making notes. Made several copies of each of the wiring diagrams so I could color code (use colored pencils) to map out what wiring I could eliminate from the factory wiring harness from the C100 connector (main engine bay harness froward of the firewall) and which ones I would retain to run some of the factory wiring (fuel pump,cooling fan relay,back up lights,blower motor,etc.) and power the Tec unit.
All in all I used 13 wires from the C100 out of 34.
Then the install of a 60-1 crank timing wheel and setting the initial timing.

. I don't know if Induction Dynamics still makes a trigger setup but here is a PDF file that shows some pics.
http://www.induction-dynamics.com/Installation_Instructions_LD9_Trigger_Kit.pdf. My setup is similar,but any decent machine shop should be able to get the idea from the pics.
The Tec software has a real simple start up wizard that will create an initial tune for you. Just input a few parameters,injector size,batch fire or sequential,MAP,number of injectors,etc.
My car fired off first crank,really surprised me. Base tuning wasn't to hard (even though I was using E85) but I left the final tune to the professionals.
Sorry got to cut this off short and get back to the real job

BTW; this works with all the factory sensors except crank sensor.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, February 03, 2009 6:50 AM
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