have any one tried megasquirt to tune, in our cars ? with any positive results ?
im asking because i know all you guys use hpt instead
any body who has tuned with this megasquirt .. if i buy it . . do i have to mod anything on the megasquirt or i could just put it in and will be ready to tune .. ?
Get Megasquirt 2, better in many ways.
I like to compare megasquirt to hpt as one would compare Microsoft windows and Linux. 99% of people will use windows because it's easy, even though they have to pay for it. Linux is free, but less user intuitive, and not as easy to use. Megasquirt is like that. It's much cheaper than HPT, or AEM EMS. but you get a certain ease of use with those. Megasquirt you have to basically be an elctrical engineer, or be handy with wiring circuits to install it, configure it, and get the same end result as HPt would give you.
I suggest you read many many days, weeks or months on Megasquirt.info before deciding to go Megasquirt or HPT.