Can you datalog with the basic if the laptop is in the car? I searched and I couldn't find an exact answer. I saw some things that leaned towards yes, but just wanted to ask for sure. If thats the case, couldn't you get a wideband o2, and just the basic, and tune the same way as the pro and wideband. The only downside is the computer would need to be in the car. Would that be correct? Thanks.
I was hoping you would chime in shifted. Would you still be able to get an accurate tune that way? I would assume yes, but a bit harder. Would that be correct? I know it would be easier to just get the pro, but I have a chance to buy the standard really cheap, so I figured I would ask. Thanks.
As shifted said you can datalog with the laptop in the car with the basic, and a wideband will not connect to HPT with the basic. Yes you can still tune with a wideband with basic, but it will be much harder. You would really need someone in the car with you watching the wideband and HPT all at once to see where issues are, but it can be done.
FU Tuning
Thanks guys. I appreciate the help.