Porsche Boxster vs honda crx si - Other Cars Forum

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Porsche Boxster vs honda crx si
Friday, September 16, 2005 9:01 PM
Wellllll...... i just got home from the races a lil' while ago and did i ever feast my eyes on the most ridiculous race ever.. now this is how it goes a buddy of mine has a civic dx modded up the ass who raced an' automatic porche carrera last summer at cayuga and kicked his ass.. but purchased a crx si sometime last winter and from what i heard this thing is a frankenstien on wheels apparently this thing has @!#$ done to it that people couldn't even afford.. (don't ask why he wasted the cash on the crx cuz i just don't know) so whatever he lined up with a 00' porsche boxster tonight and wiped the floor with him... i've NEVER seen so many jaws hit the floor over a race at one time...after the race was done the guy in the porsche didn't even bother coming back he just left right after that race ended. i sorta don't blame him i felt bad for the guy an' didn't even race....

so to anyone who thinks you need a muscle car or an exotic import to go fast this proves that where there's a will there is most certainly a way....

Re: Porsche Boxster vs honda crx si
Friday, September 16, 2005 11:46 PM
I'm sure with enough $$$ and brainpower somebody somewhere could coax even a riding lawnmower to run 10s. With some creativity and deep enough pockets, absolutely anything's possible... GM seems to be trying with the Cobalt SS, but I know more can be done. Does anybody think they'll try to seriously compete with the WRX or SRT-4? I guess time will tell.

That being said, I'd still take muscle. Far fewer headaches from trying to keep stuff from exploding, I'd still have money in my pockets after building the car, and I'd have ALOT more confidence that my car wouldn't twist itself apart from doing something it was never designed to do. Also, IMO no 4 cyl will EVER sound as mean as tuned V8 dual exhaust. I know it's petty, but I'd probably have alot more respect for fast 4 bangers if I couldn't hear the exhaust at all.
Re: Porsche Boxster vs honda crx si
Saturday, September 17, 2005 4:09 AM
^^^ fanboy.

Don't hate because it's a 4 banger.

Re: Porsche Boxster vs honda crx si
Saturday, September 17, 2005 7:11 AM
i like 4 cylinders as much as the next guy, you can do alot with th right money

but put it this way, put the money the he has in his si into .....let's a mustang G.T..
and buh bye si

v8 it just cheaper to go faster
cept for gas
Re: Porsche Boxster vs honda crx si
Saturday, September 17, 2005 7:52 AM
Jago N wrote:i like 4 cylinders as much as the next guy, you can do alot with th right money

but put it this way, put the money the he has in his si into .....let's a mustang G.T..
and buh bye si

v8 it just cheaper to go faster
cept for gas


Re: Porsche Boxster vs honda crx si
Saturday, September 17, 2005 10:23 AM
Inari Fennec (Rod) wrote:^^^ fanboy.

Don't hate because it's a 4 banger.

Hey buddy, check my registry - I OWN a 2001 Z24. Nice car - nothing I would call fast, but a good reliable, economic car. I have no problems at all with 4 bangers except that the "performance exhausts" people put on them universally sound horrible, and that most people who install one automatically thinks they're some kind of fast n furious idiot. With gas prices here running around $1.10/L Canadian, I'm really, really glad I bought it. If gas was still back at $0.60-0.70, there'd be a V8 mustang in my driveway instead.
As for the fanboy crap you spout, I've also owned 5L Mustangs, Firebirds etc, and my dad had a 1969 charger (440 interceptor) the whole time I was growing up, so I know what power is. My last pony ran high 13s (not quite stock, but I put very little $$ into it to get it there), while my cav is a high 15 second car. Even bone stock they still wouldn't be in the same universe. My mustang had 200000 miles on it when I sold it (original drivetrain was still A-1, sold it to get something better on gas), and it was rode hard and put away wet on more than one occassion. How much money would you have to spend on a 4cyl to get it that fast, race it regularly, and still get it to 200000 miles without replacing everything multiple times? Alot more than building a V8 car. Sure, the SRT-4 will do 13s, but a neon is a neon and I've never seen any make it past 100000km without problems. My bros 98 Sport was literally the biggest POS I've ever been near, and 3 other friends had no better luck with them. I've seen more than one SRT-4 running around here blowing blue (and they certainly didn't have 100000km yet). Something's not right when you see "factory muscle cars" do that.
Jago's absolutely right. For the $4000-5000 you'd need to get a J in the 13s (Nitrous aside, but reliably and street-legal), you can put a V8 in the 11s (or less).
Re: Porsche Boxster vs honda crx si
Saturday, September 17, 2005 10:26 AM
the CRX is built for fuel economy, so it's light. In fact it's alot lighter than alot of cars. With a few quick mods, or even a small motor, it'll be quick. 190 hp brings that car down to something like the low 14's I believe (my car has 140hp stock + mods, and pulls off 160kph 1/4 mile)

I dont blame the porshe, yes, it is embarassing to get raped by a tiny honda car, but I still dont blame him for getting owned
Re: Porsche Boxster vs honda crx si
Saturday, September 17, 2005 10:42 AM
The Porsche Boxster is actually pretty slow. Line it up against a GT3 and then lets see who wins.

Re: Porsche Boxster vs honda crx si
Saturday, September 17, 2005 3:11 PM
haha, jordan is such a poser...

"CRX's are gay man......im sorry but they are the climax of rice.....they sound like @!#$....theyr slow....I can beat one in my very first car....a 3 banger firefly. thats economic and it sounds better than a CRX hahaha. So CRX's are anything but sweet. I really want to race you....to show you that your a complete and utter moron for trying to diss my car....it will serve you!......when i race CRX's , I drive normally until I hit third and I notice the guy has been racing...then I punch it and leave'em.....I know you have an accord motor in yours....but I blow accords away too....including the newest ones....theyr a lot quicker then thier predicesors but I still hand theyr ass to them."

I cant wait to see his face when my CRX beats him at half throttle (lol I literally forget to floor it when I race)
Re: Porsche Boxster vs honda crx si
Saturday, September 17, 2005 3:27 PM
CRX's are honda... hondas around here are mostly rice, yet any car can be ricey (like jordans car ) However, a car done up right, ESPECIALLY a CRX, will hit low 1/4 mile times like nothing. a V8 in a CRX is deadly, simply 150hp in a CRX makes it surprisingly fast. However jordan seems to have the idea that a turbo, an air filter, and a muffler will make his car the fastest in the world. I'll admit my losses, yes, to a very modified neon (a friend of mine knows what was done, not me) and a "pakistang" (noone but the owner knows what was done, but noone knows how fast they really are)

Which somewhat ties in with this topic. I consider Porsche's as one of those "ego" cars. They're more well known for their name rather than what they actually do (such as J-bods, except quite the opposite of an ego car), and as I said, a CRX done right will be surprisingly fast with very little power. Swap an eco motor into a gutted CRX and you'll be surprised . Now, my CRX is my pride and joy, I admit it's not the best car in the world, and yes I am cocky in it, but unlike alot of hondas out there, this CRX can usually prove itself; unlike jordans car, and as I've said to him before, I'll race him, and if he can manage to somehow win without me screwing up on a shift (I even burn out for a good 5 seconds to start) then yes, I'll defend his ego.

Currently on the shopping list:
$80 = 89 Integra timing belt
$20 = Repair guide to 89 Integra
$75 = Gas to get to surrey
$250 = cheap digital camcorder so you can all see him get owned
$xx = any additional costs (repair bent valves, replace any broken pistons, etc.)
$75 = ante on the race (gas money for going home, if needed)
Re: Porsche Boxster vs honda crx si
Saturday, September 17, 2005 4:02 PM
Fast ass CRX's are not uncommon. Take this one for example.

Re: Porsche Boxster vs honda crx si
Saturday, September 17, 2005 4:38 PM
its funny, I pissed off jordan now. talkin about how CRXs are cheap and fugly. Maybe so, but they still go faster than his car.
Re: Porsche Boxster vs honda crx si
Saturday, September 17, 2005 4:39 PM
Man... that CRX must be damn fast to keep up with a bike O.o
Re: Porsche Boxster vs honda crx si
Saturday, September 17, 2005 5:46 PM
Am I missing something here? Who the hell's Jordan?
I personally find nothing wrong with a Honda. If it runs and is reliable, then who cares. I've never owned one, but I'm willing to try anything once. Nothing wrong with a CRX, either. Small, light, and they make wicked stereo cars. There are only 2 vehicles I WILL go out of my way to bash - 1991-94 Ford Explorers and Neons. I still have my exploder (1992 4dr 4x4), and the heads and auto trannies are basically grenades (my engine blew on the highway doing 110km/hr - cracked BOTH heads). My brother had a 98 Neon sport (150hp variety) and in the 4 years he owned it, it probably ran well for 2 weeks. Electrical problems were daily, paint peeled off, 25mpg highway (best he ever got), and it was in the shop twice a month the whole time he had it (dodge was never able to fully cure whatever was wrong with it). Avoid both if you value your sanity!
Re: Porsche Boxster vs honda crx si
Saturday, September 17, 2005 6:04 PM
..i dunno about the 1st race, tho...a "modded out the ass" civic dx (as in sohc d15? maybe 90jp?) beating a 277 hp porsche carrera? auto or not, the porsche would easily easily beat a civic dx, "modded out the ass" or not, much less lose to one, MUCH MUCH less get killed by one. and the auto carreras are still very fast, 0-60 in less than 6 seconds. not calling b.s., but i'd like to know what your friends' civic has done to it to "kill" a carrera.

...don't hate!.. respect people that have talent, even if it is in something you don't like or understand.
Re: Porsche Boxster vs honda crx si
Saturday, September 17, 2005 8:18 PM
eh soul horse ill send u the vid do u have msn?

Re: Porsche Boxster vs honda crx si
Sunday, September 18, 2005 12:32 AM
send me the vid, i love seein a CRX womp on other peoples cars. mew905@hotmail.com
and a CRX isnt exactly a civic... it is in a sense (almost identical design) but its a lightened, gutted civic that, like I said, was made for fuel economy. a 190hp CRX would probably walk all over a new mustang GT, porsche, and quite a few other cars. Not over exaggerating either, my CRX (can be found in my profile) with an 89 integra motor with cai/e walks all over Grand Am GT's (2004), Integra Type-S's, and all sorts of cars. I've already mentioned which cars I've lost to.
Re: Porsche Boxster vs honda crx si
Sunday, September 18, 2005 6:33 AM
ok calvin i'm gonna need an msn addy if i'm going to send you this vid cuz it's a dat file from my digi cam soo YA.. or juss add me my addy is onmy profile .. k i'm outti ciaoz

Re: Porsche Boxster vs honda crx si
Sunday, September 18, 2005 11:20 PM
wow... that turbo b16 beat a 1000cc+ bike.... that guy must have alot of money in there...

Re: Porsche Boxster vs honda crx si
Monday, September 19, 2005 2:34 PM
titus03 wrote:The Porsche Boxster is actually pretty slow. Line it up against a GT3 and then lets see who wins.

Re: Porsche Boxster vs honda crx si
Monday, September 19, 2005 8:05 PM
Porsche's arent even straight line machines
especially a boxster
which is really a girls car

Re: Porsche Boxster vs honda crx si
Monday, September 19, 2005 8:15 PM
and who cares
im sure he doesnt have the factory engine in his crx not that it matters
but you can make anycar fast in a straight line and most fast all around so what
some small honda beat a porche

want a doggie treat?

Re: Porsche Boxster vs honda crx si
Monday, September 19, 2005 11:21 PM
Boxster's are slow. They are barely 15 second cars. No surprise there. I feel sorry for the misinformed driver of the porsche thinking it was fast. I have seen that story a billion times. Your friend also beat a carrera. That's respectible. Do you happen to know what model it was? It makes all the difference in the world. Not knocking your friend. I've seen some fast Crx's. It is just, Porsche has a lot of different models for a car that looks the same. The only reason I know the difference is, because it is a really popular car around here. Also, what was his track time? By the way, the Carrera is still not the fastest, ( with an exception of the Carrera GT) or even close to the fastest model porsche makes in case you didn't know. It is just an affordable model next to the Boxster. Let me know what his times were with his car that beat the Carrera and what kind of mods had done. I am just curious, because I like fast cars and I like to see different ways of acheiving good times.
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