i am looking into buying a VW 1.8T. i love how it looks. but the problem is that i dont live near a VW dealer. i am afraid if something goes wrong i wont be able to fix it here. what should i look out for when buying one. anything will help.
sludge in the engine that causes the turbo to fail. see if the car has a service history. talk to the dealer and see if VW fixed the problem. it is not a problem if you ran Mobil1 or any other synthetic motor oil.
see ya!
there ugly,
buy an Audi A4...more reliable
buy a vr6...you will be happier
either motor u get... VR6 or 1.8T.. u will be happy with it.
make sure u run good oil with 1.8T and check service history like was said above..
VWs can be one of the most difficult cars to work on. definantly nice cars overall tho..
get a 1.8T and chip it. u wont be dissapointed
BeardLife /
Club Awesome Reject Blog
Sludging only occured in the Passat 1.8Ts, not the Golf/Jettas, so no worries there. You dont necessarily need a VW dealership, as long as there's a shop around town that does good work on German cars, you should be fine. Definitely get the 1.8T. The VR6 sounds nice, but a lot more expensive to mod to get good results.

Do you know which years the passats have this happen?
I have a 2003 1.8T passat with 74K miles on it and so far so good... I still have 18 months of the dealer's warranty left...
thanks for the input. i really dont want the VR6 becuase it doesnt have a turbo. i want a turbo car. i just like how they sound.
pm me your vin number and I'll run it through the comnaputer at work, see if there are any recalls open and I can get a service history for you....... congrats on the new car but welcome to hell cause you now own a VW
Dude, wait untill you can order an new body style golf GTI, they look frickin sweet and come with a 2.0T, and evena 6 speed, very much worh the wait. Was seroiusly considering getting one, but i would rather get house instead if anouther new car. Would consider waiting a few months to order a new one. You can start to order them in october and november. Trust me, you will like the new body style over the current one. As far relabiltiy, I wouldn't worry about it. Relably car and very good quality I don;t think that you will have any problems. The only thing that you would have to consider though is the oil changes. They require a special filter as well as a synthetic oil even. I wouldn't trust a local lube shop with it at all, so if the dealer is too far, it might not be practical.
I am what I am and it is what it is.
I am the 2nd most untrusted person in the world next to a lawyer,welcome to our dealership, may I help you?
^^^ LMAO reliabiliy and quality.... and your refering to a VW? They are JUNK, last time I saw reports about them was for 03 I think... there were 3 companies rated worse then VW in quaility (realiability, repair fequency, ect) was suzuki, dae woo, and I think Kia... every other car manufacter makes better cars then VW. The new GTI's are gonna be crap since the Jetta's are and more then likely overpriced, the new GLI's we are selling for about $28,500 and thats for the 2.0T with a 6 speed (manual or auto with paddle shifters and 6 speed's in the GTI's are nothing new they have had them for a long time) and as for the "special" filter what makes it so special... every car has a "special" filter since they are not universal
I have 2 VWs and haven't had any problems. Got an 03 1.8t Passat and an 01 TDI Jetta. Junk? Cavaliers are junk. lol
Is that a...a...a... a Cavalier?
turn it around and calling cavaliers junk has nothing to do with this VW thread.... and regardless VW was still rated worse then these "junk" cavaliers
Wow, simmer down now it is only an opinion. Jeesh. It is not like the world is gonna end. Look, we all have our own opinion and first i didn't like VW either but after i got to work with them and drive them and see what they are really all about. VW really is a differnet kind of car company. They have there own style of doing things, and yeah they are over priced, that i do agree on, but so is gasoline.
As far as consumer reports go, you and them are just going off of facts and not the real deal,and on top of that , consumer reports are rigged. Give them enough money and they will tell that DAEWOO is a good car company. Experience is the only way to tell if they are junk or not., so unless you have one or work with one or on one everyday, you don't have the hands on experince that some people do.
I am what I am and it is what it is.
I am the 2nd most untrusted person in the world next to a lawyer,welcome to our dealership, may I help you?
Juicez99cav wrote: Experience is the only way to tell if they are junk or not., so unless you have one or work with one or on one everyday, you don't have the hands on experince that some people do.
Waiting for Darkstars to go totally ape@!#$ in....3....2....1....
U might as well give up now Juice, he'll keep pushing and pushing at this issue. It's one thing to work on a VW, it's another to own one.

My Friends Jetta 1.8T has a big ass Turbo shoving 23 lbs of boost and getting 319whp with stock internals.
Yup, they can take around 400whp daily.

the 1.8T's are based off the european TDI, meaning they can handle alot of cylinder pressure (boost) the problem is when your running all that power and the car gets towed in cause it wont come out of park, and your windows fall into the doors, you get no radio reception for no apparent reason, TPS sensor goes bad and you have to pay $900!!! for just the part because you need a whole over priced throttle body, and your replacing rear brakes every 30K, and your engine locks up cause the oil pickup is clogged with sludge, and the handling goes to @!#$ because the $12 strut mounts go bad regularly and your paying about $400 in labor on them. Or in the case of the new passats lets say you loose your key or you want a an extra one.... our dealer cost on the key is $500 and being a customer were sure as hell gonna rape you on it. They cars aint bad when they work... its making them work thats the problem. we have a reflash for V6 passats to desensatize the computer cause VW is spending to much on warranty catalitic converters, every car has some kind of gas related safety recall, passat there a reflash for the TCM cause the trans likes to fry itself ect...
Guys, Darkstars is not exaggerating about the VW issues. Personally, I really like VW's and Audi's in general, but there's no denying that they have issues.
It seems to depend a lot on the specific vehicle. Some VW's will go 300,000 miles without one single issue. Yet at the same time, other vehicles will have issues right off the showroom floor. And these issues are typical of German made vehicles - electrical system malfunctions, bulbs burning out prematurely, electronics failing - and they are all a bitch to fix for some reason. I'm sure Darkstars can elaborate on that some.
So my advice is if you really like a VW model, then buy it - but be advised that it has the potential to be a problematic vehicle, and once its out of warranty you're screwed. So make sure any issues that it has are addressed under warranty, and pay attention to any strange issues that might occur with electronics and such. Be sure to have them checked out uner warranty, so that when something needs to be fixed/replaced multiple times, it will be on record.
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2 words.
I am what I am and it is what it is.
I am the 2nd most untrusted person in the world next to a lawyer,welcome to our dealership, may I help you?
im a tech for an audi dealership, and the 1.8 that we use on audis is the same as the ones in vw's. make sure the engine has had syntec(thats what audi uses in their services) or mobile one done since it was new and always ask for service records. it will save your butt if u sitll have a warantee.and if you have the option, get an extended warantee. the 1.8s do have sludge problems, when looking at a 1.8, you should inspect the breather hose coming off of the valve cover, it looks like a funky little elbow on the left side or the engine on the valve cover. if it feels squishy, chances are that it has some sludge issues. its best to catch it early. we sell an engine repair at my job which replaces all of the lines that have to do with the oil. including a new turbo and oil cooler. and it could be covered under warantee if your car qualifies. good luck on your car hunting. btw....chip it!!