ok i im almost %100 sure i am going to get one of these.
i need it for commute. gas is KILLING ME 2.84 today!
i need good gas mileage and i need a car as cheap as possible.
so these look like my best bets.
I sat in a XB today and holly crap do they have tons of room. and i am 6'1!!! i LOVE the inside. BIG TIME
then i test drove a release series blue XA. and i like the way these look better on the outside. but the inside has quite a bit less room.
it drove good. it was better than i thought.
so what do u guys think? yes i know they both look a bit odd... but frankly im just not very concerned with looks. im concerned with practicality on price and usability. and both the Xa and Xb are at the top of any cars i am considering.
which one do you guys like?
i think the Xa looks better and would be a bit funner to drive. but the interior room and usability of the Xb is REAL nice.
i cant decide.

Creative Draft Image Manipulation Forum:::
u can get bertter with more MPG
xA - small, but has maneuverability. i know a guy who autocrosses one, and wins regularly in his class. decent gas mileage - slightly more than my corolla - but it's still slow. they need wheels, a drop, and a lip kit to look good.
xB - large enough for a decent amount of cargo space. slow, but the gas mileage is alright. i want to say it's about equal for what my car has. lots of aftermarket options available. this also allows you to get a tag that says "iluvbox" without them wondering why.

these are so ugly i like them. aerodynamics, however, suck - so don't drive it like a car.
both cars have a lot of aftermarket options as far as cosmetics...hooray for Toyota releasing them to Japan first, and getting the Japanese companies all worked up over them.
pirates kick ninja asses, f00
both i say are good. Who cares how fast they are, since thats not what you are going for. You should sign up on scionlife.com and check it out. Personally, id get the XB
i almost bought an xB
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I would go for the XB. The XA to me is just ugly. looks like a cross between a focus and a matrix. Plus the extra room in the XB makes up for the boxy shape IMO. Plus with some little exterior mods the XB can look pretty sweet.
Id say xB not because its the best race box on earth. but because its got room, good gas milage, it can be used for more things than many other little cars, Even if its ugly to some people.. I think mustangs are ugly, some like them, some like xb, some dont. Doesnt matter , you can also think about getting a diesel jetta or golf. lotsa good mpg there
Borsty wrote:u can get bertter with more MPG
name some
xA gets 32/37 and xB gets 31/34
and needs to be in the same price bracket. so 15.5 or less.
thanx for all the input so far. im leaning towards the xB much much more now. the looks keep growing on me. or maybe its just because of how much i loved the inside and build quality that i dont mind the outside as much anymore. or mayeb that its just so diff than whats out there. why ever it is, the xB is looking REALLY good to me.
neither of these cars i going to feel much different than the car i have now. so how fast they are isnt goign to bother me.
i have a
3spd 2200 sunfire. 2800lbs 115hp vs 4spd xB 2400lbs 108hp
7hp less 400 less lbs and 1 extra gear.
if anything the scion would feel quicker.

Creative Draft Image Manipulation Forum:::
damn you Nathaniel.
i'd been denying my appreciation for the xB for...well, as long as they have been out in Japan.
now i'm actually looking at them semiseriously.
*shakes fist of doom at you* damn you. damn you to HELL!
pirates kick ninja asses, f00
People who have them absolutely love them
grr. now i'm on the scion site building one.
pirates kick ninja asses, f00
seriously, the inside fo the xB's are AWESOME. and im 6'1 and i had ALOT of room. seats fold flat and there is TONS of leg room in the back seats.
now I have to figure out a way to pay insurance plus a higher monthly car payment.

Creative Draft Image Manipulation Forum:::
grr. now i'm on the scion site building one.
Yeah, I find myself doing that, too. I'd love to get one, except for the fact that I'm looking at getting out of car payments all together, and I really would rather have a small truck. But IF I were going to be sticking in the car scene, I'd be all over an xB like a fat kid on a cupcake.
I have a volkswagen rabbit that gets 40ish with mixed driving.
Gas mileage is killing me so I was thinking of keeping my Camaro and just getting a new, small economy car that I could just drive to work with.
I have looked at the XA's, and you get alot for your money. I haven't test drove one yet, but I did get to look/sit inside one and wow, it is a really good car. Everything looks so nice and there's so much room, I was thinking of when I actually do buy a new car, I wanted to look at the XA's first.
I honestly thought they were ugly at first, but then they grew on me. I've just heard bad things about dealers ripping people off because Scion is Toyota's "dumb kid" brand.
xB..............A friend here at work was on the waiting list for over a year before the scion's were released into the sates he followed his car forever. when he got it he brought it to work and I got to test drive it. I love it.
If I had to get a new car with more room. I'm sure I will some day since I'm getting Married this Saturday and when the kids come around I'll get one. they look small but they are huge on the inside.
They both look like ass...I would rather take public transportation than to pimp those buckets
The only way the dealers can screw you is if you load up on options but even then they are all the same price. Scions have a "pure Pricing" system, you know the price right from the start and there is no haggle invlv ed at all. One salesguy i know said he make 100 a sale on a scion. Yuck for him, good for you