We'd like to invite you to visit our new web site -
NetCarShow.com offers over 30,000+ high-quality car pictures sorted by make, model and year.
All images are available in various sizes (from 800x600 to 1600x1200) to be easily used as desktop
wallpapers - free of charge.
Our archive is daily updated brining you both the latest releases and heritage models.
We struggle to bring you photos of all cars of all manufacturers - super cars, muscle cars, classic cars
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100Mbit connection makes downloading a fast & pleasant experience.
Best Regards
Only one problem---no Cavaliers. other than that, it's a decent site
two problems. no fires either.
not that i can find anyway. i guess the j's arnt worthy for this site.
waste of time
get some good j's up there and I'll click the link
<a href="http://www.cardomain.com/id/fireside"><img src="http://www.influx.ca/avatars/stevefiresig.jpg"></a>
well how about you guys take some good quality, hi-res pics of your cars and send them in
Yeah right what was this guy thinking...
He's got Fiats, Mercedes,Bentley,Maybach, Maserati, Saleen, Rolls Royce.. How could he forget the Cavaliers and Sunfires????????
C'mon people..Geez.
Its a great site and it's free.
Hows about a thank you.
Say it with me, "Its not what you know...It's what you can prove"
Signal Thirteen wrote:
C'mon people..Geez.
Its a great site and it's free.
Hows about a thank you.
Hate to break it to you guys, but you are about the only ones who want to have a J-body on their desktop.
Everyone else is much happier with the likes of Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati, ect.
My CarDomain Page
i have a 2nd gen on my desktop thank u very much!!!!!!!
hmmmm a suzuki swift...and not 1 j...that a slap in the face...great site though
Not unintentionally accelerating since 2009!!!!
KandyMan...Das Deutsche. wrote:hmmmm a suzuki swift...and not 1 j...that a slap in the face...great site though
More specifically... a pimp slap!
But however I am aggrivated that they only have cars after 02. A couple of oddball 91 cars thrown in, but it's like a bunch of guys said "dude, i got an awesome idea! let's use google for 20 minutes, put it in a web page, and make $$$ off of adverts!" I mean come on... no shelby cobras, no mclaren f1's... no thought put into that website.
You want a nice compilation of car desktops? Go to www.google.com. click on the little "images" link up top. change the image size to "large" (top right) and simply type in the name of the car. tada!