I was wondering if there was any other installers on the org that would be able to give me instructions on removing a factory deck in a 1995 ford contour?
as in the dash? should be similar to any car dash removal
you need the ford radio removal tool which consists of two u-shaped pieces of metal. Go to Autozone or pep-boys or any other store and ask for the ford radio removal tool, or look in the radio/antenna aisle. They are only a few bucks tops.
Actually you shouldnt need any special tools. Just a screw driver. Make sure you get the 2 screws that are directly under the head unit. Got more questions let me know!

"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me
all you need are ford keys, do not try to disassemble the dash. I have seen a few people break the trim around the radio trying to get the radio out. It pops right out with the right tools.
ford keys
DO NOT USE A SCREWDRIVER. You will break the trim. Ford trim is cheap and thin. Go spend the $2 and buy the removal tool. It just slides out with it.