well for you focus owners i have a ?
my brother has a focus and i think he is gonna get the mod bug here real soon. later this month i will be doing his suspension for him, eibach sport kit, and he is already asking aboot underdrive pulleys. i think i will coerce himm towards some more basic bolt-ons first and see how he reacts to it. since i don't really know to much aboot the cars or the aftermarket support i figured i would ask here.
i am now a member at focus fanatics so i am doing research there also.
any help is greatly appreciated
check out www.focussport.com
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/mynameiskevin/roofshot12.JPG">
www.focaljet.com is a good one too.
Certain Focuses (Foci?) supposedly have great engines. The 2.3L or something. Then there is the not so great 2.0 Zetec or whatever. I always thought the SVT was pretty sharp.
Sold 2/2/05