my brother has now gone through 2 engines, it was well maintained and everything... its the turbo version..... he had this thing perfectly mint, but the engine just blew on him........ people say they had bad head gaskets from 95-97....... is this true?
he's thinkingon selling the car and getting a cobalt ss
he doesnt wanna put anymore money into a crapbucket.. hes only had it since february 2004
and no it wasnt driven like @!#$
Crank walk? It's a 10 year old car. Plus DSM are known for their "high" quality.
they are hot looking but the motors are crap

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
Crank walk is bad. That'd be my guess or excessive flooring it and racing. Motors are meant to be used not abused.
the motors are crap because people driving it as racing it daily.
get a 6 bolt and maintain it, change the t belt right when you get it. CHANGE IT EVERY 60K!
Two of my friends both HAD a 95 eclipse on five speed on auto, both trans died, one at 76,000 and the other at 79,000. Then they both lost there engines to (timing issues). When the ran the ran well, but when they decided to die they really never ran the same again. One dies at i think 105,000 (auto) the other at 96,000 (stick.)
Thanks my 0.015 cents.
PRND321 Till I DIE
Old Motor: 160whp & 152ft/lbs, 1/4 Mile 15.4 @88.2
M45 + LD9 + 4T40-E, GO GO GO
their prone to engine problems.
Crank walk? It's a 10 year old car. Plus DSM are known for their "high" quality.
Try again crank walk accured in the 95 - 96 DSM 4G63s The 97+ engines where remoded. It has been proven that crank walk could be atuduted to morons wanting a six puck clutch in a daily driver. This was no Mitsu's fault.
they are hot looking but the motors are crap
Funny I own one and I have stomped everything from a 360 Modesta to a Dodge Viper
in the 1/4 mile.
get a first gen motor
Which one the 89-90 Proto, the 91-92.5 six bolt or the 92.5 -99 seven bolt?
Team Tach Out
What do you mean "blew enigne". The parts themselves are strong though being an interference engine not changing the timing belt means you f-ed. That or the car crankwalked and the shop tried to fix it (there is no longterm fix). How many miles did it have on it, when these cars are bad, they are really bad. I've owned a few and mine have always been very reliable.
-MD- Z24 wrote:Two of my friends both HAD a 95 eclipse on five speed on auto, both trans died, one at 76,000 and the other at 79,000. Then they both lost there engines to (timing issues).
For the love of god. Dsms should have the timing belt and related components replaced every 60-70k or so. You can't just run them to the ground until something breaks because then you have a timing belt break and thrash the head. It is very very rare for a belt to just snap if its been replaced properly along w/ (b-belt,tensioner etc). Most likely your friends are numbnuts, destroyed their own cars, and then blame it on them. Its funny how somebody on another board can run a 10 sec pass on a 100% stock 7 bolt bottom end and head (the weaker years) and you guys can't keep them together stock? If you can deal w/ stock cavalier reliability, you can deal w/ stock dsm reliability.