Well I rode in this a couple a months ago, but it was late and dark and didn't know what kinda car it was. Well My friend came over again tonight and this time i actually checked the back to see what kinda car it was.....When he found out the first time I liked cars he offered to give me a ride and said it was fast and it was but we were coming back from a funeral so didn't really ask to many questions...Its a heavy car, and we had five people in the car, but it still moved pretty good. Anyways I was just wondering if we have this car in the US...I am guessing not. Also if this the same engine as the skyline....I don't know which what year it is...didn't ask.
My Car: 1998 Mazda Roadster (Miata): Tein flex Coilovers, Potenza GIII 195/50/15
The car was never available in the United States, and it does not have the same engine as th Skyline, IIRC it has a V-8. The Marine Corps uses a lot of those as VIP vehicles for Chiefs of Staff and Generals, they are really nice cars, along with their twin the Cedric, I had a hard time telling the Gloria apart form the Cedric, and was usually wrong when I was guessing which one was which.

Yella02-I promise I will return to you in one piece and this will stay up until I am safely home
Couldnt find one good pic of either (its the same car anyway), so:
Cedric images
Gloria images
Nissan Gloria @ wikipedia
Nissan Cedric @ wikipedia

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After looking at the pictures it did refresh my memory on the Gloria/Cedric, it was available in America. The 1st Generation Infiniti M45 is America's version of the Gloria/Cedric.

Yella02-I promise I will return to you in one piece and this will stay up until I am safely home
Interesting. The site that I looked up were all trubod 6s. It is a relatively new car if that helps. It sure didn't sound like a v8. I might see him next weekend, and if so i will have him show me the engine. I have no idea about any of the armed forces stuff. But I guess that is probably the kind of car they would use. Thanks for all the help
My Car: 1998 Mazda Roadster (Miata): Tein flex Coilovers, Potenza GIII 195/50/15
It definitely isn't a new car, since I could have bought one for about $1500 dollars when I was in Okinawa, and I saw many different versions of them. If they use Tubo 6s I was wrong, it's been 2 years since I was over there, but I do know that they don't use the RB series engine that was found in the Skyline, that series was exclusive to the Skyline.

Yella02-I promise I will return to you in one piece and this will stay up until I am safely home
Sorry, what i meant was that his was new. Yeah Okinawa is pretty cheap...Especially on base cause the vehicles get sold again and again i heard. I have no idea what they go for here. I will check with him next weekend if i see him and check what's under the hood. Here is a link where i was looking at..
My Car: 1998 Mazda Roadster (Miata): Tein flex Coilovers, Potenza GIII 195/50/15