Like the title says! My 1990 jeep cherokee inline 6 cylinder with 180,000 miles almost over heats when I take the car out for a ride that is only 15 minutes away. I know its old, and I'm not a car engine guru. So what can I do to fix it? What should I look for? Does anybody have any tips on what I should do? Thanks, I really like my winter ride and I need it for my remodeling side jobs! So if anybody knows if this is a common problem and knows how to fix it, I am all EARS!!!

"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me
Umm it could be anything with that amount of info. Waterpump going, low coolant, bad thermo, leaked coolant... take your pick.
the two cheapest things to do would be buying a new thermostat and backflushing the system. if those don't work, then you have to start looking for more expensive stuff to fix
flush the system and buy a thermo, if that isnt the problem come back.
Brown eye wrote:the two cheapest things to do would be buying a new thermostat and backflushing the system. if those don't work, then you have to start looking for more expensive stuff to fix
bingo, they pretty much summed it up above, try those out before tackling the more expensive fixes.
Have a good one,
Thanks GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll will try it and let you guys know how it goes!!!!
Thank you sooooooooooooo much!

"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me
Thermostat is probably stuck. Had the samething happen to my Camaro except mine was stuck cooled too good!
Thermostat is probably stuck
^^^^ Yep replace it and now everything is running fine!!
Thanks my fellow JBO-Member!!!

"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me
If you run into cooling problems again and need to replace your radiator look into upgrading it to the newer "open style" cooling system, you replace radiator, heater lines and valve and the overflow tank. Best part is you get rid of that stupid pressure tank and have a radiator cap. I just did this today let me know if you want more info, there's a lot of fun you can have w/ the ol 4.0 I've done a lot of tricks to mine
<img src=""> Old school Js rock
If you run into cooling problems again and need to replace your radiator look into upgrading it to the newer "open style" cooling system, you replace radiator, heater lines and valve and the overflow tank. Best part is you get rid of that stupid pressure tank and have a radiator cap. I just did this today let me know if you want more info, there's a lot of fun you can have w/ the ol 4.0 I've done a lot of tricks to mine
Sweet, Let me know and if you have pics that would be great!! Sounds like a great mod!!

"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me
here's a good write up on the conversion...
Its a real easy swap, The only thing not in that writeup that I had to do was drill some holes for the radiator studs to go in. Some other tricks are putting in Mustang 5.0 19lb fuel injectors in, they plug right into the fuel rail and have four holes instead of the Jeep's one so you get better atomization which means more power and better mileage. I've got a Borla catback on my XJ which I think is the best engine upgrade I've done yet. I'm getting about 21 mpg with 31" tires and a 3" suspension lift

so I'm happy w/ that
^^My jeep's cardomain site
<img src=""> Old school Js rock