I know I know! It's a 16V Volvo making Max. 578Hp at 6300rpm, over 500Hp from 5200 to 7700rpm & Torque: Max. (520) 706Nm at 4900rpm, over 600Nm from 4300 to 6600rpm. But the most interesting part of this Kool little fire breathing 4 cyl it's SUPERCHARGED too!! That's right there's a Huffer under the intake manifold!
This car weights 2350lb & makes 10.50 passes without spray. Maybe this head does work?
Watch the Vids it's worth the time...
HOLY @!#$ !!!!!! that thing is freaking hot, kinda looks like the new mustang a bit. Definitly has some serious power tho....nice find
Pretty awesome...its like a cross between an late 80's BMW 3 series and a new mustang......