would it be an import or domestic...cuz i know it's the same as a Ford Probe and all MX6's were made in America, but Mazda is a Japanese company i think, but it's owned by Ford or somethin...it's all so confusing!!!
And if so then would a Probe be considered an import???

its not really an import but most people consider the mazda name an import, so yes and no depending on how you look at it
I would say a Mazda is an import and a Probe is not.. just because of the names associated with them like what was said above. Even though my GTO was made in Australia and is the same car as the Holden Monaro, I don't consider it an import.
Sold 2/2/05
well...the probe is more MX6 than MX6 is probe, since the probe uses the Mazda motor.
...technically, you should be asking this question about the probes
then again, my car is dubbed an import but it's made in california at the NUMMI plant...so the whole import/domestic designation is moot, really.

most honda civics are made in the u.s. and they are imports

so there's your awnser
plus mazda>ford

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falnfenix wrote:well...the probe is more MX6 than MX6 is probe, since the probe uses the Mazda motor.
...technically, you should be asking this question about the probes 
then again, my car is dubbed an import but it's made in california at the NUMMI plant...so the whole import/domestic designation is moot, really.
BING BING BING.....WE HAVE A WINNER.........................a probe is a Mx6........a Mx6 is not a probe.Go to any Ford dealership and ask for parts for a 92 Probe.........they can't get them Ford stopped selling the Mazda produced Probe parts.They will refer you to a Mazda dealer to get what you need.
Listen to that girl she nows her stuff.

I ain't callin u a gold digga,but you ain't messin wit a broke cracka
Yeah, basically the probe was completely mazda designed and they just stuck ford logos on there. The MX-6 and probe are also the mechanical twin of the 626, and the Ford Telstar.
it was designed by Mazda.

deflux wrote:Yeah, basically the probe was completely mazda designed and they just stuck ford logos on there.
just like the chevy prizm, pooooontiac vibe, GTO, Alero, and current mazda 3. all were designed by another company and rebadged.

well dear technically the Vibe and Matrix were a "joint" venture.Now that may just mean Gm payed Toyota alot of money and said hey make us a car.

I ain't callin u a gold digga,but you ain't messin wit a broke cracka
well...i CAN tell you they've got all toyota stuff in them

going on that vein, as well, the only way the Vibe got the 2zz was through Toyota...heh...

falnfenix wrote:deflux wrote:Yeah, basically the probe was completely mazda designed and they just stuck ford logos on there.
just like the chevy prizm, pooooontiac vibe, GTO, Alero, and current mazda 3. all were designed by another company and rebadged.
The mazda3 was mazda designed. The mazda6 was Ford designed.
I'm in the market for a mazda3 sedan with the GFX package at the moment
I think most consider an import a car from an import manufacturer (Honda, Nissan Mazda, etc.. ), regardless of where it was built or who actually designed\built it, etc, etc.
Of course that makes all those GM guys driving Subarus import drivers.
Really though, why should it matter if an MX-6(or any car for that matter) is an import? does that make it any better or worse a car?
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okay...then i consider the mx6 to be a domestic, since it's made in the USA by Americans and for Americans!!!
I consider the GTO to be an import if it was made in Australia, giving them dam aussie party people jobs and not us yankees...However i would still buy a GTO if i had the money

mikeylikey(theTotalEstr8one) wrote:okay...then i consider the mx6 to be a domestic, since it's made in the USA by Americans and for Americans!!!
I consider the GTO to be an import if it was made in Australia, giving them dam aussie party people jobs and not us yankees...However i would still buy a GTO if i had the money
Hmm.. does that make most j-bodies import due to them being made in Mexico?
<A HREF="http://www.precizion.org/forums/"><IMG SRC="http://www.brew-san.com/pics/sig.jpg" border=0></a><A HREF = "http://www.precizion.org/forums/"><IMG SRC="http://www.j-body.org/registry/kenz24/precizionsmall.gif" border=0></A>
maybe, in his mind, it does.
that also makes all corollas and matrices domestic because they're made in Cali...

eCOfIRE.cOm (The Amish One) wrote:well dear technically the Vibe and Matrix were a "joint" venture.Now that may just mean Gm payed Toyota alot of money and said hey make us a car.
that said i'm under the direct impression tha any time GM has another maker build them a car they want to sound like they had someting to do with it so part of the agreement is to call it a "joint" venture....when in reality the only thing they designed on those cars are the badges.
"Formerly known as Jammit - JBO member since 1998" JBOM | CSS.net
deflux wrote:falnfenix wrote:deflux wrote:Yeah, basically the probe was completely mazda designed and they just stuck ford logos on there.
just like the chevy prizm, pooooontiac vibe, GTO, Alero, and current mazda 3. all were designed by another company and rebadged.
The mazda3 was mazda designed. The mazda6 was Ford designed.
I'm in the market for a mazda3 sedan with the GFX package at the moment 
i think you have that wrong.. the mazda 3 is on the same platform as the european focus.. how would you think the 6 is made by ford? if it is ok then whats the car they supposely based it off of?

"Theres a time in every mans life where he hits a cross roads and...wait...are you wearing panties?"
the CURRENT 3 is ford...older proteges were true mazdas.

Evil Monkey(cavrs97) wrote:deflux wrote:falnfenix wrote:deflux wrote:Yeah, basically the probe was completely mazda designed and they just stuck ford logos on there.
just like the chevy prizm, pooooontiac vibe, GTO, Alero, and current mazda 3. all were designed by another company and rebadged.
The mazda3 was mazda designed. The mazda6 was Ford designed.
I'm in the market for a mazda3 sedan with the GFX package at the moment 
i think you have that wrong.. the mazda 3 is on the same platform as the european focus.. how would you think the 6 is made by ford? if it is ok then whats the car they supposely based it off of?
the Ford 500 is based off of the Mazda 6 platform.The only thing Ford in the Mazda 6 is the 3.0v6 and even that has been reworked for the Mazda.

I ain't callin u a gold digga,but you ain't messin wit a broke cracka
falnfenix wrote:going on that vein, as well, the only way the Vibe got the 2zz was through Toyota...heh...
I am in no way argueing with you...............we both know that it's a Toyota Vibe.I was just saying that "officially" it was jointly designed.Remember I work for GM and I have to feed you the corporate b/s every now and then.

I ain't callin u a gold digga,but you ain't messin wit a broke cracka