"drool" someday.... someday.... when the funds are right....
I'm the Local Internet Tough Guy...
What BOV is that on the supra does any one know?
Thanx Charles
Sounds like my HKSSSQV but may be a Blitz Super Sound
I'm the Local Internet Tough Guy...
I take that back, that was the SRT-4 I think that Supra maybe Tial. Not sure.
I'm the Local Internet Tough Guy...
Damn that thing is nasty!

Thats Him Officer The WICKED One.
^^^^Matt, putting I <3 JBODYHOTTy in your sig isn't going to get you any... lol just messing.
that supra was @!#$ disgusting.. ive never seen an ass raping like that before. great vid.
Good Lord!!! That is just awesome!!
wow.. i only wish my car could go that fast
1989 Pontiac Sunbird GT - LT3
TiAL is Titanium Aluminum, and usually only used for wastegates. Unless some company has made that their name and makes BOVs.
You can't be sure which car you are hearing and with a couple exceptions, you'll never know for sure what BOV is used just by the sound. The HKSSSQ being the exception, and I didn't hear one. They flutter.
Hahahaha wrote:TiAL is Titanium Aluminum, and usually only used for wastegates. Unless some company has made that their name and makes BOVs.
Yah, tiAL is a company that makes BOV's. There great for high boost applications. Probaly the best out there.