Well I wanna know. what do you guys think of the overall look Etc etc...
okay I think this thing is ugly... and heavy. I don't quite see why they discontinued the cavalier to start this thing. sure they have the cobalt with the SC but still.. I just can't stand the overall look for these cars.
maybe they look better with body kits? But wow. I was really let down by the overall idea behind this car.
Anyone have any comments to make?
I think the Cobalt has potential. It looks like a civic in the front with the headlights, but wait til all the aftermarket parts come out. We also cannot forget the chance that a great turbo will be made for the car. I say every product developer is going to add something to the cobalt because it has reached the level of import quality(finally!).
I think if you searched this forum you'd know that this question has been asked and answered MANY times.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about
the former." - Albert Einstein
Ugly, slow and heavy. It was never ment to be a race car , even the SS, hence the 4door model for older people. Real sports cars do not have a lower end model that has 4doors and geared towards people in their 60s. You dont see a GTO having a 4door model, a corvette having a cheesy 4door model, NSX, etc you get my drift. Its SUPERCHARGED and only puts a little over 200hp. and with a price tag of over 21-23k i will gladly accept s2000/rsx over it. With the direction GM is going, I would never drop a dime in that company. Plus, since its in GMs cheaper class, watch that puppy go down in value before you know it.
thats MY opinion.
*Jammit has been here since 1998 everybody!!!!!!!Should you care? YES!*
whoops sorry bout that dave. and I even put it in the wrong area to boot. ah well. I'll get to searching. Thanks.
Accords make 4 door models and it would be the sam deal. The parts to fix the car would be cheaper too. The value is there as far as keeping it ruuning. Besides, most cars last if you really take care of them.
They dropped the Cavalier because GM missed it's opportunity to use the Cavalier as a big player in the sport compact market. The name Cavalier is synonomous with "cheap, economy cars, no resale value, and poor reliability." As much as I disagree with the reliablity thing, unfortunately the rest is true. I have an 03 Cavalier that I bought for 13k in February of 03. I just got a quote for a trade in and the guy told me it was worth 4k. That sucks.
The Cobalt brings a fresh idea to the market place. They were able to use the engine and transmission that was in the Cavalier and expand on it. As much as I'm probably going to get flamed for this comment, if you drive a Cobalt you'll see the quality is far above any Cavalier I've ever been around.
As far as the looks of the car, I like it alot, but that's just an opinion.
With the introduction of the Cobalt Chevrolet will be able to try to push there way into the sport compact market to compete with cars like Civics, Focuses (foci?), Corolla, and with the SS even cars like the RSX-S, Focus SVT, Civic Si, and the Neon SRT-4.
As much as I like my Cavalier, and the j-body platform in general, I think the Cobalt was a good move overall to try to get GM back on track.
Now let the flaming begin lol.
I agree 03 cav. With most people, they want results and they want it now. I think gm had perfect timing coming out with this car. They waited to see what other people were doing, modified some ideas, and put them on the cobalt.
perfect timing? are you crazy? they are 5years late!!!
*Jammit has been here since 1998 everybody!!!!!!!Should you care? YES!*
Hairy Blackdude wrote:Ugly, slow and heavy. It was never ment to be a race car , even the SS, hence the 4door model for older people. Real sports cars do not have a lower end model that has 4doors and geared towards people in their 60s. You dont see a GTO having a 4door model, a corvette having a cheesy 4door model, NSX, etc you get my drift. Its SUPERCHARGED and only puts a little over 200hp. and with a price tag of over 21-23k i will gladly accept s2000/rsx over it. With the direction GM is going, I would never drop a dime in that company. Plus, since its in GMs cheaper class, watch that puppy go down in value before you know it.
thats MY opinion.
im not tryign to start a flame fest here, i just want to make a point that in all this dudes posts he makes no sense, at least when goodwrench makes posts about this car they have valid points to them......first off the car is not ment to be a sports car, its a "upper level" compact car, thats why there is a 4 door version....its not even in the same class as a GTO or a s2000......your point that you were going for with that whole statment really made no sense to begin with
and 2nd.....they are already using the car in the grand-am series as a race car, and they are off to a good start, posting a 5th at california last week
now for my opinion.....i test drove one, the ss s/c, i acctually loved the interior, the car was fun to drive although i wish it had more go......handling was pretty good could of been a little more agile but steering was really quick and responsive and the ride was smoothe and quiet, about as good as my moms camry, which i really wasnt expecting....if you drive one maybe you will change your mind
Its not like the scene of racing died. Five years ago the cavelier was made cheap to offset the average fuel economy with the chevys. Remember they made dealers meet a certain feul econmy requiremt. Now they have the chevy aveo and the coblat can have all the engine it wants.
Maybe if Chevy would send more than 4 door autos to Florida I'd have an opinion.

How many steps to heaven, Doc?
...Ah, metaphysics.
hairyblackdude -
The base model Cobalt coupe and the Cobalt Sedan were not designed to be sports cars. The Cobalt SS S/C is in a league of it's own. That's like saying a Civic Si isn't sporty because the Civic DX is slow as dirt. The SS has an upgraded suspesion, bigger wheels, way better tires, different engine with a supercharger. The car SS was in fact designed to be race oriented. If it were a "race car" it wouldn't have a back seat, and it would be gutted with none of the optional accessoroes it has i.e. power windows, locks, cdplayer, leather...
If you're going to tell everyone about how the Cobalt compares to it's competition, compare it to it's actual competition....
The Cobalt cannot be compared to a GTO, Corvette, NSX, S2000.
It can however compare to a Civic Si, Focus SVT, Corolla-S, RSX-S. It seems the Cobalt isn't compared to these cars very often, becuase it's better than them...
if i ever got one, i would make them take the wing off. Its just nasty IMO. The car kinda looks like a cross between a Civic and a Celica, neither car i care much for. It also seems really thin, like it barely takes up half a lane in traffic. I wish they made it a little bit bigger. The engine is the only thing that interest me, that is without the supercharger. The supercharger doesnt look like it will afford much for upgrading or adding more boost. 12.6 PSI on a M62 is alot. But if you were to sell the charger and buy a turbo kit for it, now were talking. But i would never pay 25k for that car. Especially when you can get a SRT4 for less than 20K and have more power.
2006 Black Cobalt SS Supercharged G85
It can however compare to a Civic Si, Focus SVT, Corolla-S, RSX-S. It seems the Cobalt isn't compared to these cars very often, becuase it's better than them...
Umm don't be so sure on that one.
But like Dave said , it has been discussed numerous times. So i will just sit on this one.
>>>For Sale? Clicky!<<<
-----The orginal Mr.Goodwrench on the JBO since 11/99-----

Pretty much every thread on here with opinions about the Cobalt comes down to this simple sentence:
Yes they are nice cars and a good replacement for the Cavalier, but they are somewhat overpriced.
Sold 2/2/05
Better than a RSX-S? Ummm I hardly think so. Overpriced? Very much so.. Sorry to say, but the Cobalt and the G6 are pretty dissapointing.. I do love the Saturn Ion-3 and Redline's though..
Dark blue 2002 Z24, 2.4 Ltr.
i would like to add that the svt focus shouldn't be compared with the cobalt because it has been phased out and comparisons really should only be made with current production vehicles don't you think?
Hairy Blackdude wrote:Ugly, slow and heavy. It was never ment to be a race car , even the SS, hence the 4door model for older people. Real sports cars do not have a lower end model that has 4doors and geared towards people in their 60s. You dont see a GTO having a 4door model, a corvette having a cheesy 4door model, NSX, etc you get my drift. Its SUPERCHARGED and only puts a little over 200hp. and with a price tag of over 21-23k i will gladly accept s2000/rsx over it. With the direction GM is going, I would never drop a dime in that company. Plus, since its in GMs cheaper class, watch that puppy go down in value before you know it.
thats MY opinion.
i beg to differ.... Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution???
<IMG SRC="http://webpages.sdsmt.edu/~1272797/doodsig26wa.jpg">
Sport cars where not ment to have 4 door models? Step outside your door and see the world.
Ford Falcon
Subaru Impreza STi
Cadillac CTS-V
Cadillac STS-V
M/B S600
Holden Commodore SS
Mazdaspeed 6
Just to name a few sporty 4 doors.
Now Back from Iraq!
With More Favor and Less Calories
Working on the engine... Soon to be complete.
my .02 is pretty straight foreward. it's got the face of an SI, and the as* of a neon. everything else is what the cavalier should have had 10 years ago. good imporvements but not a sports car by any means, although i don't consider an srt-4, corolla, focus, or RSX to be sports cars either.
one last thing, i want to meet who ever does the styling for gm and i want to shove a small block up his mud valve. i think everything GM made for the last 4 years either looks like another brand of car or looks like poop.
hey don't ask me i warned the mods that hairyblackdude was a troll a while ago, but nobody listened. but yes he has nothing intelligent to add to the site or any insightful commentary.
Robs IL Cav said it best:
Yes they are nice cars and a good replacement for the Cavalier, but they are somewhat overpriced.
it's not a fantastic car, and really all it is, is slightly updated "J-Body" technology. but i believe it's a better car than a J-body ever was. really the funny thing is i actually do agree with hairy blackdude on only one opinon. i don't think the Cobalt....in any trim level will retain any fair market value. it's just a fact that domestic cars don't hold resale value. and GM small cars are even more hit hard with this satistic. i nkow it's too new to know anything, but GMs overall track record lately leans alot more toward unreliable and poor resale. i'll be the first to say i will totally eat crow and STFU a year from now if this car cracks any top 10 lists from R&T, Motor Trend SCC, Super Street, Consumer Reports, Car & Driver...and so on.
to me J.D. Power and Associates "initial" quality reports numbers don't mean anything to me because it only covers the first 3 months. i want to hear "long-term" reports as well as the J.D. Powers and associates "long-term" reports, those are surveys taken after the first 12 months. And although the Cavalier and Sunfire scored extremely high in initial reports from owners in the first 3 months. GM would NEVER want to advertise that over the next 9 months those same owners that gave their j-body high praise in the first 3 months wrote demonic verses about the horrid quality of the car they scored so high 9 months before. J-bodies have the worst long term scores of any car ever made by all quality survey reporting companies. to go from all 10+'s to all 0's in 12 months is unheard of. i simply can not believe that the Cobalt will single handedly turn that around. GM just is not that good.
"Formerly known as Jammit - JBO member since 1998" JBOM | CSS.net
looks - don't like it. it looks like every other cookie-cutter econobox on wheels out there now. OH WAIT!!! it has Corvette tail lights. right, if that's what you want to call them...
driving impressions - never drove one, but i can imagine it being almost exactly the same as a J-Body, considering that most of the parts are similar (Ecotec, suspension, brakes, interior materials, etc). in other words, numb and uninspiring.
sounds like a 1-2 punch to me. i'll take one in every color
no kidding Ian, as much as i bash GM and occasionally J-bodies in general and whatnot...i still loved my Z24. and wrestle everyday with the damn fool notion of buying another one. i know they suck compared to everything out there. but the horrid resale of the j-body is GM's curse and my treasure. because due to the fact they hold no value i can pick one up only a few years old for only a few 1000. it's a tempting idea for 3 or 4 grand have a fun car with every option.
why get a cobalt for $20 grand when you can get practically the same technology for 3 or 4 grand on autotrader. and a few 1000 more invested on Gravana & RK Sport.
"Formerly known as Jammit - JBO member since 1998" JBOM | CSS.net