Damn SATURN! - Other Cars Forum
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I bought it as a beater and i was planning on modifying the hell out of it but, one engine and two transmissions, i just wanna fix my cavalier and get rid of it. Both transmissions were due to a KNOWN problem that saturn never fixed. The differential pins wear down and slide, the nwithout any noise theres a hole in the tranny case. The only way you know is cause the fluid drips on the exhaust. Im gonna get the next tranny diif welded. I HATE saturns.
Sorry I had to vent.
damn right that says premium biatch!
ughh ok....what kinda saturn??
thats all my friends family buys, they have been decent cars
S Series. It is a porblem but only if the car gets beat on. The problem happens more often on automatic cars that are driven in the snow. Don't beat on the car and it wont happen. You only have yourself or the previous owner to blame.
The S series can be the most reliable car if you take care of them and do the schedualed maitenance.
They can be reliable, I work at a saturn dealer.
However they are not meant to be modified. It's a point a to point b car. The only reason they sell performance parts for those cars is because they know they can make money off it. Your better off finding something else to mod.

its a 95 sl1. I already swapped in a 95 twin cam motor and 96 mk3 tranny. They actually are fast cars but the diff problem can be solved by having the diff pin welded in. Im sellin it and lookin for a z!
damn right that says premium biatch!
Anyone remember the renegade Sunfire last year in Denver? The one that lost control and was stuck in overdrive?
Same problem as your Saturn...
The Denver Post 02/13/04 wrote:
The 1997 Sunfire that seems to be right out of a fictional horror story, the one that tried to kill a 20-year-old woman by refusing to stop, or even slow down, on a high-speed romp from Limon to Denver on Jan. 30, has since tried to attack a mechanic by putting itself in gear and trying to pin him to the wall of a Wheat Ridge garage.
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<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/kmikl/personal_pic.jpg">
"Never offend people with style when you can offend them with substance."
--Sam Brown
i love saturns... my parents have a 95 SL1 with 105,000 miles on it, and the thing still runs like new. last year on our trip to New York, we got 43mpg driving at about 75mph with 4 people in the car. it was freaking amazing. then, on the drive home, the belt tensioner broke. since there was no water pump, by the time we got off the highway and pulled over the temperature needle was almost into the red... well, got the tensioner replaced and it fired right over with no leaks or cracks or anything. not too bad for an aluminum motor. plus, i've done my fair share of burnouts in it

(175-width snow tires like to spin). seriously, i don't think the car can be broken. hell, the previous owner drove over and embankment in it, and beside the hole in the driver's side floorboard that we welded shut, there was no mechanical damage.
we definitely got our $2000 out of it
i paid 600. put a 600 motor in it and now im gonna put the second 200 tranny in it.
damn right that says premium biatch!
got me new tranny today. its goin in tonight and its gonna get ripped on tonight.
damn right that says premium biatch!
Im sooo Mad. We pulled the motor friday night and one of the shift cables got caught on the tranny and broke. So my 4 hour pull/swap/reinstall job has turned into a whenever i can get these damn shift cables then put it all back in. I HATE SATURNS!
damn right that says premium biatch!
shift cables are friggin 169.88
f that
ill sell it first
damn right that says premium biatch!
Wheat Ridge
hell yes, wheat ridge FUGIN RULES
i came into a SWEET deal today
im trading a kid at my school my saturn once the trannts back in and $500 for his 98 dodge neon.Its a 4 door DOHC 5 speed. His car is coming with a 2 week old perfect black paint job, 17" rims, a body kit, and a $500 exhaust(i looked it up online). It has brand new struts(he bought them from my work) a fairly new tranny and the motor has 110,000 miles. Not bad i think, any input?
damn right that says premium biatch!
i still don't see why you're bitching about the saturn. you've spent a total of maybe $2000 on it. i think a car that is functional for $2000 is a good deal
Ive spent over $2000, for a car the book value on is 1,800. Ive had nothing but problems in the month ive owned it, and i know it WILL break again. thats why im buying the neon and getting rid of this one.
damn right that says premium biatch!
It's not the cars fault that you don't know enough to pull the cables out of the way. I'm sure you will have much better luck with the neon. rofl.
I'm not really b*tching about the shift cables, sh*t happens. Im complaining about the differential problems that saturns have and the fact that they never fixed the problem in that platform. I know the neon will have problems too but ive learned my lesson and im not gonna beat on my cars anymore. I hate the way the saturn looks and ive wanted to gt rid of it anyway. I just want a nice lookin/soundin car to just drive.
damn right that says premium biatch!
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