My friend owns a 94 grand prix with the 3100/ 4T60E and a 99 olds cutlass with the 3100/4T60E. The transmission on the grand prix stopped working a week ago, so she started driving the olds again. She got in to an accident with the olds, and she is not sure if it will be "totaled" or what. My question is, can she remove the functioning tranny from the olds and put it in the grand prix (well not her, a qualified mechanic). I've done my research, and I'm sure that they are the same 4-spd auto, but are the mounts the same in both cars? Are there any electronics that are different in the two cars as far as transmission control?
It would be great to salvage one good car out of this mess. By the way, the olds has 150K miles, and the grand prix has 75K miles. The grand prix was her grandfather's car. I'm not sure why the olds put up with all her abuse and the grand prix died after she had it for only ~15K.
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You need to make sure they are the same gear ratios. The cases should be the same, it's the internals you need to worry about. If the gear ratios are wrong the dashboard will light up like an x mas tree and it will probably bang through the gears like a pro stock.
Ok, I'll look into that. I wasn't aware that the same transmission may have different ratios. Does anyone know about the mounts?
Does it go faster?
i thought they were the same ratios. I just rebuilt one in school. I can maybe look it up tomorow for ya.

"Custom cars, custom problems."-me
You can pick up a 700-4r pretty cheap... they really don't need to be computer controlled either..
EastCoastBeast II wrote:You can pick up a 700-4r pretty cheap... they really don't need to be computer controlled either..
Doh. Unless he has a rwd grand prix, which wasn't built in 94, it wont work.
Yea, the goal is to use the working tranny in the car that hasnt been totalled. Thanks anyway. I guess she's leaning toward fixing the olds reguardless of what the ins. comp. gives her. Wasteful if ya ask me...
Thanks anyway!
Does it go faster?
sorry, heard grand prix, and old cutlass, and thought we were talking about the rwd ones...