Any help at all will be appreciated this is about my 98 camaro.. Didnt want to join another org for a car i never have probs with. so if anyone knows anything it would be appreciated.. Thanks..
Over the winter i added and FLP level 4 tranny with 4200 stall yank converter, stage 2 heads, ET drags )instead of ET street) and a line lock. ALL runs were NA because i didnt find out my bottle was empty til i got there
First run i get: 1.60 sixty
7.41 1/8
92.39 mph
11.69 1/4
115.38 mph
i thought ok decent since its my first run in a year. should only get better with a harder launch right? LOL
Second run launch is real hard, wheels come off and when i hit the dash lights flash and i lose gas, but repress the pedal and im moving again, so i just drove at 50 mph down there lol. ILL EXPLAIN THAT LATER.
Third and Fourth run i blew the coolant level sesnor off the radiator and still ran 11.7x's
Finally fixed the metal clip to keep from popping off.
Then i get a couple more 11.7x's in. I couldnt launch greater than 2500 rpm's with a 4200 stall, it would pull forward, WHATS UP WITH THAT?
Then the lights flashed and gas cutoff again. found out that when i was getting real hard launches and BOTH wheels come up that my battery was rotating towards me and contacting the frame shorting it out
so i ended up strapping it down.
Next run i used the SHORT BELT. Didnt help my times any and when i got back to the pits i notcied OIL running down the front side of the passenger head
Im thinking its my INTAKE GASKET??? Could this be what is causing me to hurt on the top end, i was thinking i should run much better?
Made one more run with an 11.8x pissed me off so i left LOL
Traction was OK. felt i could do a better 60' if i could launch higher but it wont let me get that high in rpm's. burnouts were great with the line lock. sorry NO VIDS OR PICS as i forgot the camera at the house LOL.
what ya think ill run with a 100 shot? or so
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Sounds like you're killing your car.
Sold 2/2/05
Okay I recieved an email that for some reason I can not reply to so I hope you look here for your reply. email was from a justn dorosh saying this.
On 5 Apr 2005 14:17:01 -0000, <> wrote:
> A message has been sent to you from member Justin Dorosh (manitobamotorsports).
> Subject: The Camaro Run..
Guess the thread got deleted/locked so figured i\'d send this off to you anyways..
> Are you using the linelock during launch or just for the burnout? i wouldnt use a linelock when staged for the main reason its not going to hold the car like a footbreak will (only holds the front tires thus you creeping ahead above 2500rpm seeme like the converter is a pretty tight converter). The MPH looks off alittle bit (alittle low) for the 11.69 run but thats a pretty impressive time with the mods listed. I have a buddy here that has a 383 done up pretty damn good with a collapsed lifter he was running 12 flats last year, this year should be 11.5\'s then he plans to strap a bottle on.
> the 60\'s are pretty good and i would imagine with some launching practice should get down to 1.5X\'s but i wouldnt expect anything below that you might see some 1.48\'s or so...
> Its really hard to make an educated guess b/c i really dont know the mod list to the engine/drive tarrain but you seem to be doing pretty damn good. Just remember b/c you can launch @ a higher RPM doesnt always make it better
next time you run grab some video if possible and we can see the video and figure out what seems to be happening
MY response to is this lol
thank you so much for responding the moderators moved me to other cars yuck lol.. anyways I am new to racing my friend was racing my car prior and now i am in training on how to do it just right. lol.. ive been using linelock during the launch. also one thing I was told just a few minutes ago by a friend who was there said it was my intake oil leak. not sure how that would afect me? i've heard it causes a vacuum effect??? wondering how much it hurt me. again thank you so much for a reply. I wasnt sure If i would get one.
For full info on my car go to
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Might wanna look into a transbrake hun. Similar to a line-lock, but it holds the tranny in first and reverse at the same time, keeping the car still til you release the button. As for the intake gasket...I've never had a car run that hard to know if it would make a difference, but I guess it could make sense. I'll do some research and see what I can find.
TB's are your friends
im a @!#$ pussy ass liar! i lied to my girlfriend over and over, sat around with her friends naked and stayed home downloading porn...she loved me and i hurt her...i deserve to be alone and wonder every girl i try to love leaves me...i suck.