holy crap that sucks!

"Custom cars, custom problems."-me
vroooooom BOOM!
N2O scares the crap out of me.

How many steps to heaven, Doc?
...Ah, metaphysics.
thats hillarious
i mean aweful
seriously it sucks for him
lots of $$$ bye bye
i watched that vid last night
its bad ass
Long DL? Took under 25 sec to DL it
As for what happened... looks like a single EFI unit... I bet the shot was TOO big.. and it just puddled up in there... SAME thing happened to me... but mine was not that bad... I blew my INTAKE PIPE not the whole manifold....
Karo (Car Customs) wrote:Long DL? Took under 25 sec to DL it
i dunno
i have cable and it was going at 10-20kbs
slow for me
Karo (Car Customs) wrote:Long DL? Took under 25 sec to DL it
As for what happened... looks like a single EFI unit... I bet the shot was TOO big.. and it just puddled up in there... SAME thing happened to me... but mine was not that bad... I blew my INTAKE PIPE not the whole manifold....
Jetting wasnt to big only 150. What happened if you watch is the guy hits the button to early (the dyno operator) Basically they shift the car into 4th and right away hit the button to low in the RPM band causing the fuel to puddle and BOOM Biatch.

95 Cobra
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I Prefere turbo thankyou. But damn that sux. Ive seen to many people not do nitrous right blow up their cars.
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GreenFire wrote:I Prefere turbo thankyou. But damn that sux. Ive seen to many people not do nitrous right blow up their cars.
Window switch would have fixed that problem..BTW that guy is DFW local. I'd would be pissed the shop blew up motor more or less.

95 Cobra
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