I found some old pics of my old 96 Grand Am 5-speed, It had a bunch of stuff done to it, the wing was like $500 before paint, it had an eibach pro kit, intake, header, full exaust, engine mounts, custom molded stock front bumper and custom int. These were earily pics of it, before the 2nd drop and 17"s and a bunch of other stuff. it's sold now
See that bottom lip? Its the oem wing from the back of the car, rotated 180* and bolted to the underside of the of the bumper...
This was a sweet car, it handled the 2.4 daily with no wheel hop, then again, these cars where built to withstand v6's. This is the car responsable for my addction.. That why I just had to buy another pontiac...
My Sunfire
By the way, I did ALL the work by myself.. And on a side note, the header was for a z24, which doesn't fit... Unless you grind the bottom half of all the header pipes, heat it, bend it, and weld it back air tight. A header built for this car doesn't exist... not for less than $450..
My Sunfire
that back end was/is hideous
the stock tails are MASSIVE looking, and at the time, there were no aftermarket tails for it... which came out just after I sold it.. But the availibilty of parts for that year is a bitch. so I had to get creative anyway i could, ie, front lip, and "hidious tails". But it stood out, and in Maine there are tons of those things i had to make it stand out somehow... And there were no shortage of people to look at/complement it.. (people in maine are easy to impress, not much of this type of thing around, by that i mean modding cars.
My Sunfire
cars pretty cool, i have the same one 5 speed SE 2 door green. the AED wing doesnt look bad on the SE and the stock wing on the front is interesting, i dont really like the mess stuff, and its made me relise that i dont want to do it. theres a ton of stuff out now for the cars, there are three body kits for them, pacesetter is going to make a header for our car, also another company will to tails like you said, theres just a ton of stuff coming out now.
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Barf. what the hell is going on in some peoples heads.
doesn't look that bad....kinda looks like a cricket or a praying mantis.....I like it.....its "unique"