go to key features>and click on the 5.3
... isn't putting a V8 in a FWD car like
drinking Beer before Liquor ... a very
bad decision ??
<A HREF="http://www.j-body.org/members/urbanyan/"><IMG SRC="http://www.j-body.org/registry/urbanyan/thumbnail_personal_pic.jpg" BORDER=0></A>
It's about time they did something with the Monte Carlo...the previously badged "SS" was a joke..it had no balls whatsover..since when was a 6 cylinder an SS?
im a @!#$ pussy ass liar! i lied to my girlfriend over and over, sat around with her friends naked and stayed home downloading porn...she loved me and i hurt her...i deserve to be alone and unhappy...no wonder every girl i try to love leaves me...i suck.
but i want to know if the v8 is rwd?
This particular V8 on the Impala, Monte, Grand Prix, no.^^^
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-----The orginal Mr.Goodwrench on the JBO since 11/99-----

that same technology is in the new Jeep's (hemi powered ones) and I think is in the Chrysler 300C too
It's a mechanical problem waiting to happen. Read up on the Cadillac V-8-6-4 engine...
Does it go faster?
The V864... heh, I've heard stories. The problem wasn't the design, or the theory behind it, it was the engineering, and the parts... Things have progressed... this engine is totally do-able.
Maybe Im just pissed, pissed that my freinds are spineless, What else would you
call abandoment some night, when you're in a fight, and they could make things right?
Spineless. I miss some of my old friends, the ones who you could count on,
bet a huge amount on, the fact that they'd always have your back... Its like a kick in
the sack, just knowing, you've got nothing to fall back on. @!#$ this, Im done.
If I'm not mistaken doesn't the cadillac northstar V8 have a similar system?
oldskool wrote:It's a mechanical problem waiting to happen. Read up on the Cadillac V-8-6-4 engine...
The 8-6-4 engine was designed when efi was in it's infancy, todays displacement on demand is a very different beast