@!#$ showoff got what he deserved
I wish there was more tape. I would of loved too see that guy bitching the @!#$ outta him.
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/blksunryder/thumbnail_Moded%201.jpg">
stupid drivers...that's why we have mirrors
im a @!#$ pussy ass liar! i lied to my girlfriend over and over, sat around with her friends naked and stayed home downloading porn...she loved me and i hurt her...i deserve to be alone and unhappy...no wonder every girl i try to love leaves me...i suck.
thats also why we have PASSING ZONES!
it obviously wasnt a passing zone if the lexus was turning left onto a road
well they were both at faults bike fault no passing....kexus fault no turn signal and no mirror check
Chris Schultz wrote:well they were both at faults bike fault no passing....kexus fault no turn signal and no mirror check
no the bike is at fault for being on the wrong side of the road, regardless of the lack of turn signal.
the biker shoulda hit the brakes, its not THAT hard to stop a bike going 50 mph.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
that is why i turn my head when i want to change lanes ... or just to see behind me
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i take back what i said about the lexus being at fault take a closer look at the video.. there is a sign on the right indicating what looks to be a 15 -25 mph left turn, it is a double yellow line meaning, no passing, the road the other biker in front goes on is actually a side-road or an interchange from the one they were riding on. in other words, the suv driver did nothing wrong other than being in an suv
Viper98912 wrote:the biker shoulda hit the brakes, its not THAT hard to stop a bike going 50 mph.
He did, if you look at his speedometer, it says 0mph because he locked the brakes up. And like Chris said, the SUV didn't need a turn signal becuase he was following the road.
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Biker got what was coming too him. Anyone that passes on a double yellow and wrecks get's what's coming to them. It's riders like that who give everyone else who rides a sport bike a bad name.
What an idiot! He must have forgot the defensive driving part when on a motorcycle.
Got what he deserved, totally
when i went car shopping there was this biker that was weaving in and out on the freeway and he blew past us we got off onto this exit and a half mile down the road traffic is stopped the idiot rear ended a buick. f'ed him up bad. i love bikes but i have insane drivers
ouch...... damn i want a bike but i dont want to set my self up to a fast painful death