Official test done by C&D 04/2005. The first thing I said was, what a night and day difference in writing to the Ion that was tested in the past. Wonder if GM was on their backs on this one. LOL Especially when they say the seats share a trait with a Porche roflol and the dash does not have a spongy feel as a Lexus, like it was a bad thing?

But anywho funny article none the less and the performance they got are the same and some cases worse then the Cavalier in 1995 with the 2.2L OHV which they conducted them selves. They had some buzzes from the interior the suspension was not as fun as competitors (no surprise on both), price was higher then competitors, design was "rent me" and on interior pieces "done to budget."
Like I said in the past, a decent car for point A to B commutes.
This is one for the 'Balt fans to get giddy on.
Quick view
0-60- 8.4
0-100 25.8
1/4mile 16.6 @84mph
Top speed 124 (drag limited)
weight: 2900lbs
70-0 braking 188feet
Roadholding on skidpad 0.77
>>>For Sale? Clicky!<<<
-----The orginal Mr.Goodwrench on the JBO since 11/99-----

looks pretty average for a compact sedan....
I love how you find a review for a Cobalt sedan and you get all happy cause it's not a sports car lol. NO ONE SAID THE SEDAN WAS A SPORTS CAR. You hate Cobalts, congratulations. And when they get a Cobalt SS then i'll care what they say, and I think that I speak for most of the people in this forum that are Cobalt fans. Quit bashing, you're getting really annoying.
those F'n bastids = Top speed 124 (drag limited)
im sure after you get rid of all the added plastic crap the car will run low 16's
both the ion sedan and cobalt sedans are hideous. I passed a cobalt coupe the other day....meh
taking stuff off the car ain't gonna make it faster when its drag limited u have to put more power in the motor to over come drag and to redesigns the car or just buy a real car get a Camaro or a GTO
Where's the whole article? You usually post them
2006 Cobalt SS 2.4L 9.6 @74mph 1/8th mile w/2.28 60ft
jkhd03cav wrote:I love how you find a review for a Cobalt sedan and you get all happy cause it's not a sports car lol. NO ONE SAID THE SEDAN WAS A SPORTS CAR. You hate Cobalts, congratulations. And when they get a Cobalt SS then i'll care what they say, and I think that I speak for most of the people in this forum that are Cobalt fans. Quit bashing, you're getting really annoying.
Exactly, the only reason you post things about the Cobalt is because you like to complain about the car as much as you can. As
jkhd03cav said, you've made it obvious that you hate both the Cobalt and Ion - but guess what, nobody cares about your opinion, so STFU.
Its starting to get really old, you post negative things in every single Cobalt thread on the JBO. You can never just post up an article by itself, you always have to add your useless opinion along with a bunch of disses to make the car look bad.
Its obvious that the reason you didn't post up the C&D article in this thread is because they gave it a positive review - and god forbid a professional reviewer should
actually like the car. Go away if you have nothing useful to contribute, so much for your claimed "unbiased opinion", you are a freaking joke.
My CarDomain Page
Yeah i tried C & D webesite and nothing. I like the looks of the cobalt sedan better then the cav but i've not driven a cobalt yet. I have looked at the interior and sat and looked at the controls and whatnot and thought that yeah its nicer looking then the cav but it still has that econo box feel to it (which it should it is one). I'd like to see how well it holds up compared to the cav which only time will tell.
2006 Cobalt SS 2.4L 9.6 @74mph 1/8th mile w/2.28 60ft
Mr.Goodwrecnch brings us up to date info almost everyday about all types of cars. He is always CONTRUBTING I dont think he deserves the negativity. If he doesnt like the car he doesnt like it. I think they are hideous too.
2003 Chevy Cavalier LS 4-Door
jkhd03cav wrote:I love how you find a review for a Cobalt sedan and you get all happy cause it's not a sports car lol. NO ONE SAID THE SEDAN WAS A SPORTS CAR. You hate Cobalts, congratulations. And when they get a Cobalt SS then i'll care what they say, and I think that I speak for most of the people in this forum that are Cobalt fans. Quit bashing, you're getting really annoying.
Naaa dude I don't hate any car. Well maybe I dislike the Mercedes-Benz CLS. Or the Rolls Royce Silver Spur. Those I can't stomach.

But seriously I could careless since I am in no market for a car right this minute, let alone a FWD car. I just post things what comes through my desk.
But I think the next Cavalier/ Cobalt should have been
this. Something drastically all new in design with power to back up the image. Think about it, instead of wasting money designing a car that looks Korean (4-door) or making a design that is bulbious cavy (2-door), they could have brought that car here and use that as model to work on and the money saved not redesigning the body, use it on the Astra design.
Does it sound like a bad idea?
Lastly those performance nubers are nothing sneeze at. So what is the problem?
Don't burst a blood vessel.

(Some) of us are adults here and lets (try) to keep it that way.
>>>For Sale? Clicky!<<<
-----The orginal Mr.Goodwrench on the JBO since 11/99-----

Top speed 124 (drag limited)
whats the difference with drag limited apposed to our 108 electronic limiter? does it just stop accelerating once it hits 124? wonder if that ecu would work in a jbody. or just have our ecu reflashed with that program.
Drag limited means no computer limitations, It is only limited to the aerodynamics of the car.
BTW this car has a Coeffiecit of drag of 0.33
>>>For Sale? Clicky!<<<
-----The orginal Mr.Goodwrench on the JBO since 11/99-----

Why not hate on the cobalt? Its not like its a great economy car or anything. Japan designs much better cars, hands down.
that's average for a sedan, isn't it?
I can't tell anymore, no one posts aerodynamic info

"i promise we won't get drunk, and go out in boat in the dark, stand up in the boat and fire the gun into the air unless we have life jackets on."
the IS300 does mid 15s
You're comparing a $14k Compact Sedan to a Lexus IS300???
and for Zach, give me a good example of a japanese design that is hands down better than a Cobalt in the price range.
I remember when the romur of the next cavalier was gonna be the astra or sumthing similar.

i fell in love with it but it didn't happen. I like the Cobalt but I would have loved the Astra
2006 Cobalt SS 2.4L 9.6 @74mph 1/8th mile w/2.28 60ft
I think it's funny that the die hard Cobalt fans get so pissed when Mr. Goodwrench posts something bad about the Colbalt. Truth hurt?
Post away bro!
Tribals wrote:I think it's funny that the die hard Cobalt fans get so pissed when Mr. Goodwrench posts something bad about the Colbalt. Truth hurt?
Post away bro! 
Haha yea you are real funny

. Get a life, you obviously just want to see people bash the car for no apparent reason. Instead of just stating your opinion (like specifically what you dislike) you just post useless comments bashing the car in general. At least Goodwrench made an attempt to explain why he dislikes the car this time instead of just bashing it.
Goodwrench - I have to give you credit this time for at least explaining yourself. I agree that the Opel looks like a very nice car, rumor is that it might be imported as a Saturn. However, I don't see the any distinct advantage that the Opel offers over the Cobalt - Styling is of course subjective. Power output is slightly more, but there are rumors that the Cobalt SS might be bumped up to about 240HP for the 2.0 S/C within a couple years anyway.
Overall the only difference I see is that the Opel has different styling and is Turbo instead of S/C. Besides that I'm sure that they have very similar underpinnings, so I don't see how you could like one so much more than the other, unless its just a styling preference.
My CarDomain Page
.33 coefficient? talk about suckage
jkhd03cav wrote:You're comparing a $14k Compact Sedan to a Lexus IS300???
what i ment by that ... a I6 should not be faster than a s/c I4. Cobalt has aprox 205hp ... and the IS300 has about 230. Dont you see something wrong?? And yes .. i do think cobalts suck ass!!!!! _uck all you mother f_ckers that think this car owns!!!!
/end rant
Representing the 810's ... biatch!!