Hello everyone!!! I have a question I might be buying a 2001 jeep grand cherokee. But before I do buy I want to know if I can get 22 inch rims on it. I also want to know what size rims it has now, I know they are 16 inchs but how wide are they ? I want to put at least 20's but I would prefer 22's. Can anyone help me on this situation?? oh and if anybody has pics that would be great. Thank JBO!!!
Why dont you call up a tire shop, or check out some place like
Discount Tire Direct
Tire Rack
They'll list what sizes you can run and what sizes came stock.
By why in the hell would you want 23" rims on a Jeep, kinda defeating the purpose of buying a Jeep, not to mention look ghetto, and really it wont make your dick look any bigger either.
<IMG SRC="http://www.j-body.org/registry/kernol/sig.jpg">
Ummmmmmmmm I said 22's is the biggest I would go and for your information
I AM A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
::hangs head down in shame::
May I interest you in doing something like this instead?
Have a good one,
May I interest you in doing something like this instead?
That could be an option! Sweet.
Yeap 22's will fit...my buddy just got some on his white jeep...he did have to trim part of the inside of the bumper for it to clear....
I've got pics at home....shoot me an email..i try to get them later...

www.teamexoticimage.com / myspace.com/02on19s
Destiny Harley wrote:That could be an option! Sweet.
If you would like to learn more about doing modifications like that you can always check out these links below:
A little help with referencing the different Grand Cheorkees, most sites to refer them by letters. The 1993 - 1998 Grands are called ZJ's, the 1999-2004 are called WJ's and the newer 2005's are called WK's.
http://www.jeepforum.com - All around good forum for current and future Jeep owners.
http://www.kevinsoffroad.com - Grand Cherokee (ZJ / WJ) Lift kits.
http://www.wjjeeps.com - Grand Cherokee site for WJ's.
http://www.nagca.com - Great site for pictures of other Grand Cherokee's.
Have a good one,
Thanks Justin and ydcc91cavi for the helpful information.
Hey Justin what does the WJ stand for and so on? Thanks again!
Destiny Harley wrote:Hey Justin what does the WJ stand for and so on? Thanks again!
The letters aren't anything more than a way to put a vehicle with a code. There isn't any rare or special meaning behind it.
For example the Jeep that I own is also refered to as a TJ. Every Jeep model also have codes such as:
CJ 5 : Civilian Jeep, built from 1954-1971.
XJ: Jeep Cherokee built from 1984-2001
YJ: Jeep Wrangler built from 1987-1996 (even though technically there wasn't a '96 YJ, they were still built in '96, identical to the '95 model)
It just helps distinquish between models, that's all.
Have a good one,
Damn, always leaving out the ZJ.... mine was a sweet ride while it lasted, well before it rolled haha, ran 35"s on a nicely tweaked carbureted 360.
<IMG SRC="http://www.j-body.org/registry/kernol/sig.jpg">