My GFs brother is selling his Forenza with 115k miles, it JUST got out of the garage getting new tie rod ends, head gasket, breaks, and other stuff. He is going to give me a ridiculous deal on it and I would like to get a 4 door for a DD/beater since I am going to be a dad. The only thing is that I have to sell my Cavy in order to get it. Worth?
To add, It is the 5-speed version, which is even more enticing.. but it is probably the worst color option with the greenish color, whatever it is called. lol. I am having trouble finding much info on it since everything comes up with the euro Daewoo version.
My 1st concern is a head gasket at that low mileage.I am not a fan of the brand and granted the other items are wear/tear idk I think I would consider another car and or something with reliability known to be good in general.
There is a reason why most of these are in the junkyard...pass.
Dude its a re-badged Daewoo Lacetti or Chevy Optra......all those Daewoo/Suzuki/GM re-badge were pretty much junk.
It was used at the "star in a reasonably priced car" segment on Top Gear tho, so you could brag about that if you owned it....LOL
Your much better off with a older 4-door J-Body.
We had one that we called "can't get right" because the damn plastic valve cover would not stop leaking.
- Your not-so-local, untrained, uncertified, backyard mechanic. But my @!#$ runs