Hey guys. I'm in the process of trying to get into a new vehicle. I've decided on the Colorado z71 with the inline5 engine in it. Now I've had 3 different people tell me not to get that motor, but no one will tell me why and I can't find anything catastrophic online as to why either. Any insight? Heard anything?
My dad and his friend both have that truck(05 model). They have had no problems out of it.
I know our 3.7l here at work idles like crap, and has since new. It has 80,000 on it and running fine, even though it is our engineering endurance test vehicle.
PRND321 Till I DIE
Old Motor: 160whp & 152ft/lbs, 1/4 Mile 15.4 @88.2
M45 + LD9 + 4T40-E, GO GO GO
I think its more a power issue than a reliability one. I drove one and thought it was a touch gutless for its rated power. Gas mileage is pretty good, though.
O noes!
Gutless is the only thing I can think of....
mine's a 2008, had to have the exhaust manifold replaced because it's cracked.
Front end tire's wear unevenly on the edges making it look like an alignment issue, Tire noise is quite annoying as a result.
start up when engine cold and it makes a growling noise until it watms up. I have seen many do this for some reason.
Rear brakes if they are drum have very little shoe on them making them replace 3 times more then the fronts.
Thanks for the insight. Still seems less catastrophic than what these people were trying to make it seem like. Should know tomorrow if I get approved
mechanic said they first came out they had massive recalls on them and they are the most troublesome motor gm put out. thats just what i heard. i have no experence with them.
Yeah I even spoke to my mechanic too, and he couldn't even think of anything. I guess that's what warranty is for eh? I know they had a 3.5 i5 when they first released the truck,
But then quickly moved to the 3.7... I wonder if that's the motor that had all the probs?
they are just rough engine that dont have good power and get sharty mileage for the size. i would stay away but thats just my opinion
I'd actually opt for a full size.
Bigger, more power, can haul more, can tow more, gets close to the same mpg, and is about the same price....
colorado is a bastard child from gm. too big to be compact but not big enough to play with the big guys. cant wait for a new s10. you would be better off full size. seeing as the 5.3 can go with little throttle you should get same mileage. i know because my trailblazer had the 4.2 and to get it going you had to goose it, same effective mileage as the v8. maybe 1 to 2 mpg better on highway but more driving style really.
When they were new, they were said to have the omph of the 4 cylinder and the MPG of the V6.....But maybe that was the 3.5....

Everything Louder than Everything else
The one I test drove seemed fine for power, I was looking at the full-size, however it's too big for my wife, and I just wanted something smaller. Just waiting to hear from the dealership on whether or not I got approved for it. I appreciate the responses tho! I wouldn't ever buy the ford ranger, and the new Dakotas are ugly as sin... Lol
Why are you so against a Ranger? You ask for advice, everyone tells you they are troublesome and whatnot, yet you say you are against a Ranger(which is a reliable ass little truck!), but are going through with buying it despite all the reviews and insight. Why do people bother asking for advice if they ignore it? I hope you enjoy yours, but don't come back bitching when things go sour or you don't like the fuel economy of that gutless tub.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.
Hey now, I was just asking what the problems were with it. I'm against a ranger because I've driven them in the past and really don't care for them. I won't come back and bitch about anything, I'm actually pretty excited about the fact that I finally get something new. Never happened to me before. Like I said, thanks for the advice, I just wanted some insight as to why I've hears mixed reviews.
Ended up going with the 5.3L v8 canyon, didn't get the amount approved for the crew cab inline 5, and the extended cab v8 was cheaper. I think it'll be better in the long run with the advice u guys have given with regards to the troubles. Thanks again

pics soon when I get it on sat

I hope so. These next few days are gonna drag on until I can pick it up!
So u got a time tested, more reliable motor cheaper than the one everyone warned you about? Sounds like a big win to me!
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.
Dimitri wrote:When they were new, they were said to have the omph of the 4 cylinder and the MPG of the V6.....But maybe that was the 3.5....
Pretty sure you got that backwards. My brother has been a master tech for GM for a looong time and said they appear to be bullet proof compared to most other motors. He still has only worked on a couple and for minor things.
What does reliability have to do with gas mileage and power? Quoting that made no sense to the point you're trying to make.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.
Copter wrote:Dimitri wrote:When they were new, they were said to have the omph of the 4 cylinder and the MPG of the V6.....But maybe that was the 3.5....
Pretty sure you got that backwards. My brother has been a master tech for GM for a looong time and said they appear to be bullet proof compared to most other motors. He still has only worked on a couple and for minor things.
My cousin was replacing heads in H3s all the time when he was working in a Hummer dealer.
dad had one as a company vehicle for a while and mileage actually sucked...
where is geeds when you need him?