i dont even know where to begin..... lol
lol my jaw actually dropped
but i'll move this to other cars where it belongs, since there's at least 6 different cars that went into making that thing.
cannon fodder wrote:really.
but i'll move this to other cars where it belongs, since there's at least 6 different cars that went into making that thing.
while true... its a second gen Jbody that is main portion of the car...

M62, 42's, ZZP 3", ZZP S3 H/E
214whp 190wtq
Damn gas was only $2.49 there
is 2.49 here in Texas too
I was waiting to see these on here, but thought they'd be posted by someone else
well then... thats interesting
What's amusing is that 99% of the people on this site who will make fun of this car don't possess the creativity or raw talent required to build something this unique.
It's not exactly well executed but hey - who doesn't like to create a car from next to nothing / scraps?
I'm curious to know how he got that thing safetied and plated and insured for the road.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
SweetnessGT wrote:What's amusing is that 99% of the people on this site who will make fun of this car don't possess the creativity or raw talent required to build something this unique.
It's not exactly well executed but hey - who doesn't like to create a car from next to nothing / scraps?
I'm curious to know how he got that thing safetied and plated and insured for the road.
It's not Canada Chris....they get away with murder in the states lol

M62, 42's, ZZP 3", ZZP S3 H/E
214whp 190wtq
why does my name is earl come to mind when i see that

SweetnessGT wrote:I'm curious to know how he got that thing safetied and plated and insured for the road.
Probably was easier than trying to get any kind of reply out of you, via text/email/phone whatever. Got an issue? Man up and speak up, none of this hermit/avoidance bull@!#$e.

14.330 @ 96.37mph
Speedline02 (GME Chat!!) wrote:cannon fodder wrote:really.
but i'll move this to other cars where it belongs, since there's at least 6 different cars that went into making that thing.
while true... its a second gen Jbody that is main portion of the car...
either way, didn't belong in general...