I have a 2010 Malibu 2LT and I am looking to replace the stupid wood trim that is on the dash and doors. Does this all just pop out or do I have to replace panels. If it just pops out how do you do it without breaking it?
Also is there anyway to get the damn side airbags to stop rattling. I have had them replaced like 6 times now and every time I get the damn car back they say its rattle free and guess what the rattles are still there. I have about had it with the side airbags and am about to just remove the pieces of @!#$.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, June 15, 2010 7:08 AM
Dey see me Trollin' Dey hatin' for trollin dey trying to catch me ridin dirty.

You had something replaced 6 times in a 2010 car? Quality..
Yeah pretty amazing huh. I am about to drive the thing through the showroom and park it there next time they claim its fixed and its not. I am so glad I paid 27k for a car that rattles worse then my crapalier ever did. They have worked on it about 15 times now between the 2 dealers that I have been to with no actual fix.
Dey see me Trollin' Dey hatin' for trollin dey trying to catch me ridin dirty.

Scotty B wrote:You had something replaced 6 times in a 2010 car? Quality..
It's more like the dealer is making money throwing parts at the car, rather than actually dealing with the issue at hand.
GM has stepped in 2 times now and still nothing is happening on getting the actual problem fixed. They claim that there is really nothing left that they can replace in the headliner area. I have heard countless times that such and such part number has changed and that means the part was updated so maybe that will fix it. Anyone know of anything that I can file or say that will make them actually get the @!#$ thing fixed. Its to the point that I get pissed every time I have to drive the car cause all I can hear is the @!#$ rattles even over the radio.
Dey see me Trollin' Dey hatin' for trollin dey trying to catch me ridin dirty.

I have to admit that I have been victim to a mysterious and aggravating noise.
In the end, with my own problems, I hunted down the culrpit. I did so because I didn't want to go through the process of randomly throwing parts at a problem with no resolution.
If it is indeed a quality issue, others would likely have experienced it and maybe a common sollution was found. There must be Malibu forums. My currents car's typical squeeks are found on the first page of a google search.
Funny thing is, with one trip to the dealer and a No Fault Found diagnosed, I vented on the net. Only to be told by another that I'll just have to get used to taking care of the noise myself. At first I was irritated, because I pay for warranty and my car is new....But the reality is, it's just not worth going through the GM dealer hastle if it's not dealt with the first time.
That beign said, I don't blame the guys at the desk or the guys in the shop.
The problem is the system the dealer works with. Nobody in the shop is going to get paid to hunt it down/diagnostic. Most times, they get less than an hour pay to figure things out. Stuff like this can take hours, repeated efforts and luck to source. I have seen mechanics donate thier time, simply to get it done. However, most mechanics never meet the customer, so why should they stay late for a stranger?
It seems the dealer is still willing to work with you. Why not, they are getting paid to replace parts. However, if it's just one of those things where you need to find just the right spot, you'll need to motivate them somehow to invest in your troubles. In the past, when I have asked a favour of a shop, I generally do so at the same time I am buying somehting. That way, it's not a total loss for them to have to solve the problem they likely didn't create. IN any case, there is someone in evry dealer that can "get things done" If replacing the headliner doesn't work....
You might be caught in a real catch 22. Because it's a safety device, the dealer might be hesitant to modify the airbag in any way. It could be as simple as a piece of foam lodged in a spot out of the way, But, tampering with any safety device is a liability most places should avoid.
I got some quilting pad foam that might do the trick of wedging the plastic that the air bag is wrapped in yet still move when the airbag goes off. It is also fire retardant. Even if it just deadens the sound I will be happy. I drove my brother in-laws infiniti the other day and his do it to but not nearly as loud. I have tried to ask on there but it seems that I am the only one complaining about it plus its a bunch of old guys in there 40's that don't really work on the cars haha. I asked how to remove something and they were like go to the dealer and have them do it.
Dey see me Trollin' Dey hatin' for trollin dey trying to catch me ridin dirty.

Tactfully placed/chosen material should pose an issue.
Sounds like a Lemon issue to me ...
"New vehicles may contain hidden mechanical flaws or defects in workmanship, caused by design flaws or by an error during the automotive factory build process. These errors can range from parts being installed incorrectly to a tool that was used to build the car not being removed or a batch of materials with structural or chemical flaws.
Consumer protection legislation typically labels vehicles as "lemons"
if the same problem recurs despite multiple repair attempts (such as three times in a row over a short period, where previous attempts have not fixed the problem) or where defects have caused a new vehicle to be out of service for a prolonged period (typically thirty days or longer) for repairs."
Taken from ...
Sounds like you get a new car
dubduce18s wrote:Sounds like a Lemon issue to me ...
"New vehicles may contain hidden mechanical flaws or defects in workmanship, caused by design flaws or by an error during the automotive factory build process. These errors can range from parts being installed incorrectly to a tool that was used to build the car not being removed or a batch of materials with structural or chemical flaws.
Consumer protection legislation typically labels vehicles as "lemons" if the same problem recurs despite multiple repair attempts (such as three times in a row over a short period, where previous attempts have not fixed the problem) or where defects have caused a new vehicle to be out of service for a prolonged period (typically thirty days or longer) for repairs."
Taken from ... Source
Sounds like you get a new car
Do you know how I get this ball rolling? I have the laws and am reading through and for Indiana it def seems like I have a case for the car. If anything just threaten them so they swap cars with me and can sell it again after they finally fix it.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Saturday, June 19, 2010 7:25 PM
Dey see me Trollin' Dey hatin' for trollin dey trying to catch me ridin dirty.

i did it in ct for my car as soon as i did gm called looking to fix so it wouldnt be an issue, in indiana not sure, go t your state govt site and search i suppose
Cavie Freak aka E-Thug wrote:dubduce18s wrote:Sounds like a Lemon issue to me ...
"New vehicles may contain hidden mechanical flaws or defects in workmanship, caused by design flaws or by an error during the automotive factory build process. These errors can range from parts being installed incorrectly to a tool that was used to build the car not being removed or a batch of materials with structural or chemical flaws.
Consumer protection legislation typically labels vehicles as "lemons" if the same problem recurs despite multiple repair attempts (such as three times in a row over a short period, where previous attempts have not fixed the problem) or where defects have caused a new vehicle to be out of service for a prolonged period (typically thirty days or longer) for repairs."
Taken from ... Source
Sounds like you get a new car
Do you know how I get this ball rolling? I have the laws and am reading through and for Indiana it def seems like I have a case for the car. If anything just threaten them so they swap cars with me and can sell it again after they finally fix it.
I have never had a lemon or a multi service visit for the same thing. My guess is you go up to the dealership that serviced it multiple times and tell them that you want to claim it as a lemon. IF that doesn't work, try contacing the (better business buero) or the state government. From what I have read, is that GM will purchase your car from you and give you another car. I dont know if they do exqual or lesser value or have what you paid for go towards a new vehicle.
Let us know what is going on and keep us up to date
I also forgot to add, how many miles do you have on your Malibu? There might be a mileage restriction and if there is and you get getting close, DRIVE ANOTHER VEHICLE!!
Thanks I have been searching since you posted that info earlier. We only have 9k on it and are going to tell them we want to claim it as a lemon the next time we have a day off to bring it in. Don't want to bring it in this week since we are going to be making a trip back to IL and don't want to use a rental or our beater car haha.
Dey see me Trollin' Dey hatin' for trollin dey trying to catch me ridin dirty.

Wow you're going to try to lemon it just because of a rattle. I could understand a powertrain or safety issue but a freaking rattle

. For one you're taking it to dealerships so what do you expect, most of them have @!#$ty service to begin with and mostly only care about profit instead of customer service. Try taking it to a Buick or Cadillac dealer, It's all GM. Ask friends/neighbors what local GM dealers have the best service center.
When does the rattle happen? Only while driving? or while idling? or both? Is it only on bumpy roads? or smooth roads as well? Where exactly is the rattle noise coming from? Try to be as exact as possible. Take the service manager for a testdrive with you driving or riding along to point out the rattle noise.
I know what you're going thru, my dads saturn had a bad fuel injector and he had to take it back 6 times before the service manager himself diagnosed the problem, their thousand $$$$ diagnostic computer never found the problem, he ended up showing the young mechanics there an old school trick to diagnosing.