Jesus the video for that is crazy... One more reason to stick to the 605 box in my impala
Holy @!#$ that is the craziest thing I ever seen a car do on it's own.
According to the owner of that video that was due to some improper wiring when he installed aftermarket HID's...
Has nothing to do with the recall...
Buildin' n' Boostin for 08' - Alex Richards
HIDs and electronic steering should be interconnected in no way shape or form. If HIDs cause that then Toyota has a more @!#$ up PS system than should have ever made it to market.
mitdr774 wrote:HIDs and electronic steering should be interconnected in no way shape or form. If HIDs cause that then Toyota has a more @!#$ up PS system than should have ever made it to market.
Lexus carries "Adaptive Front Lighting" to help illuminate more of the road while cornering, (AFS) can pivot the headlamps toward the turn. AFS relies on steering angle to determine the light beam to pivot. I didn't read the thread, but going by what Alex Richard^ said, the owner may have crossed wires which is why you see the steering acting as it did.
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-----The orginal Mr.Goodwrench on the JBO since 11/99-----
Ah. was not aware of that little feature being that easily crossed up.