Woulda been better if they actually had the gauges functioning and made it so you could do what the dumb drivers dont... turn the vehicle off, put car in neutral etc
woulda been even funnier had this not been posted days ago and is probably still on the first page of the damn forum section it's in......
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

In my family we teach that boys have a God-stick and girls have a Shame Cave. -John Stewart
wasnt that funny the first time

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
I find it funny how often I here people (like in this case the O.P.) talk about others being dumb and that turning off the car is a good idea. Do people not realize when you turn off the ignition your steering wheel locks? How is not having any ability to steer a good alturnative?
you could shut it off then quickly put the car back in the run setting.
Not nessesarily, there is no telling what's in front of the car, if you start to turn it's gonna lock, everyone had encountered a time that the wheel is locked and you have to wiggle it back and forth to get the key to turn. Turning the key to the off position is never the answer. You put it in neautral and let the rev limiter do it's job.
I love the armchair quarterbacking on how average people "should" react in a panic situation. Ah, you "experts" can be so funnneee!
Bill Hahn Jr.
Hahn RaceCraft

World's Quickest and Fastest Street J-Bodies
Turbocharging GM FWD's since 1988
......put in neutral. press the brake.....who cares if it revs the hell outta it its a toyota. lol you'd be safer off doing that then shutting your car off lol i wanna see someone shut off their car and attempt to stop while on a curve =D that would make my day lol
1999 2.4L w/ nitrous