Careful...the pro-Toyota forces are massing here. You risk being called any number of names by doing this, lol!
Just kidding. Bring it!
Bill Hahn Jr.
Hahn RaceCraft
World's Quickest and Fastest Street J-Bodies
Turbocharging GM FWD's since 1988
A particularly telling quote from the article:
Dennis Virag, president of Automotive Consulting in Ann Arbor, Michigan, said Toyota's revelation that it had been aware of the Prius problems for months and had worked out a quiet fix on the assembly line without notifying consumers was "shocking."
"It could be a kiss of death," he said.
Bill Hahn Jr.
Hahn RaceCraft
World's Quickest and Fastest Street J-Bodies
Turbocharging GM FWD's since 1988
so they knew the problem but never told the owners? makes sense no?
Just friendly, reliable Toyota pulling the wool. Nothing new these days, lol!
Bill Hahn Jr.
Hahn RaceCraft
World's Quickest and Fastest Street J-Bodies
Turbocharging GM FWD's since 1988
I'm not suprised at, it's nothing new, for YEARS Toyota has been sweeping known problems under the rug to avoid recalls because it hurt preseaved quality. It was probobally 4 years ago or so when they first got called out on it but it fell on def ears till now. The throttle recall has put the spot light on them and sketchy @!#$ that has gone unnoticed is now main stream news.